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Jason "Tech" Landon ([info]thisismyweapon) wrote,
@ 2011-09-07 21:52:00

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Home in Louisiana once agan
After their trip to the prison, Jason was happy that he and Sammy were pulling up to Gran's place to spend some time. He loved his old home, but damn if he didn't love it more because Sammy was with him. Gran met them out on the back porch and smiled, looking spry for a woman who'd had a heart a attack just a year ago.

"Hi, Gran! I brought your favorite secret agent to see you again." Jason grins, going to get their bags.

"I see that, Jason. Be a dear and handle the luggage while I work on getting this poor girl fed. Sammy, you look like skin and bones." Gran frets.

Jason tries not to laugh, giving Sammy an "I-told-you-so" look.

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Re: At the Prison
2012-02-21 12:37 am UTC (link)
"Oh, I'm sure we aren't, Fury. I knew you weren't one-hundred percent human the first time I laid eyes on you." he says.

"I haven't figured out exactly what your trick is, though...you don't move quite like everyone else. I'm sure I'll figure it out soon enough." Jake says.

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Re: At the Prison
2012-02-21 12:44 am UTC (link)
"Don't hurt yourself over it. It's not important until you cross me. I will get Jason out of there, and I'll pull as many triggers as I need to in order to get it done."

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Re: At the Prison
2012-02-21 12:59 am UTC (link)
Again, Jake smiles.

"Whatever you say, Fury." he says, closing his eyes.

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Re: At the Prison
2012-02-21 01:05 am UTC (link)
It would be so easy. Stop time, pull the trigger, push his body out of helicopter...

Too easy. And he had yet to give her reason. Dammit.

She settled back to wait, but didn't close her eyes. The good guys always had to stand watch.

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