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Jason "Tech" Landon ([info]thisismyweapon) wrote,
@ 2011-09-07 21:52:00

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Home in Louisiana once agan
After their trip to the prison, Jason was happy that he and Sammy were pulling up to Gran's place to spend some time. He loved his old home, but damn if he didn't love it more because Sammy was with him. Gran met them out on the back porch and smiled, looking spry for a woman who'd had a heart a attack just a year ago.

"Hi, Gran! I brought your favorite secret agent to see you again." Jason grins, going to get their bags.

"I see that, Jason. Be a dear and handle the luggage while I work on getting this poor girl fed. Sammy, you look like skin and bones." Gran frets.

Jason tries not to laugh, giving Sammy an "I-told-you-so" look.

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Re: Return to the Prison
2012-07-24 11:37 pm UTC (link)
"I ain't walkin' away from you, Sammy. I love you too much to do that. We're in this together, so we're gonna find these answers together no matter where it takes us or what we find." Jason says.

"And my brother doesn't get to talk about dangerous considerin' the life he leads. It's you and me versus everyone out there."

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Re: Return to the Prison
2012-07-25 05:15 pm UTC (link)
Sammy didn't know what she had expected him to say, but the relief at his words caused her shoulders to momentarily sag. What she was about to set in motion was espionage, plain and simple. She was going to take those skills she'd learned at her father's knee and use them against the director of SHIELD.

"That's a lot of everyone, babe." Another glance at his pale face in the darkened interior. They'd better get to the hospital soon because she wasn't about to lose him now. "I love you, too, and I promise you'll get lucky when you're better."

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Re: Return to the Prison
2012-07-26 12:40 pm UTC (link)
"Gettin' lucky is the whole reason I'm still alive." Jason joked.

Several hours later, the pair were back aboard the Helicarrier. Colonel Fury had already scheduled Sammy to meet with him regarding the matter while Jason was being checked over.

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