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Jason "Tech" Landon ([info]thisismyweapon) wrote,
@ 2011-09-07 21:52:00

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Home in Louisiana once agan
After their trip to the prison, Jason was happy that he and Sammy were pulling up to Gran's place to spend some time. He loved his old home, but damn if he didn't love it more because Sammy was with him. Gran met them out on the back porch and smiled, looking spry for a woman who'd had a heart a attack just a year ago.

"Hi, Gran! I brought your favorite secret agent to see you again." Jason grins, going to get their bags.

"I see that, Jason. Be a dear and handle the luggage while I work on getting this poor girl fed. Sammy, you look like skin and bones." Gran frets.

Jason tries not to laugh, giving Sammy an "I-told-you-so" look.

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2012-08-31 10:46 pm UTC (link)
"You did say that." Jason says, shaking his head. "You did say that and I got it confused. Private server in the penthouse.

How good is your dad with computers, anyway? I'm gonna try not to leave a trace, but if he knows somethin's amiss, he might have someone look into it." Jason says.

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2012-08-31 10:53 pm UTC (link)
"Depends. He's good with what he uses on a daily basis, but anything else he has experts for, like you. The information I want is so..." she waved a hand to trying to find the right word, "explosive that we could literally destroy hundreds of known and unknown mutants, aliens, even small countries. Those files are meant for the person who will carry on his work. I was raised to be that person. I /am/ that person. If that's been compromised, he'll handle it himself."

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2012-09-06 08:34 pm UTC (link)
"Wow. It's /that/ important?" Jason asked. He knew that Director Fury was the spy of all spies but information that could destroy nations or even species of people? That was insane.

"All right. Let's get to work, then. Get me out of here and we'll get started." he says.

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