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Sally Roth ([info]too_sexy) wrote,
@ 2013-02-14 23:09:00

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Meme: AU: Fancy Date.
The dress certainly wasn't skimpy. That was for sure. The staring happened anyway. Her control was better than it had been, but maybe it was because she was nervous about such a fancy occasion. But her fathers had been so excited about her going, and it really was a lovely party, just ...

"Sorry," she whispered as she tried to gauge whether people were looking at her.

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2013-02-15 03:56 am UTC (link)
"I did kind of a couple year tour of the galaxy, so a little bit of a lot of places. Some were pretty quick and easy, others took a lot longer. A lot of the time was just quiet."

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2013-02-15 04:01 am UTC (link)
"Oh. Well. Quiet can certainly be nice." Better than some things, for sure. At least at an occasion like this, there weren't going to be any Remarks like one sometimes got on teh street. "Let's get some food. It looks amazing. And the cider at these things is really good."

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2013-02-15 04:09 am UTC (link)
"Cider? Sure, sounds good." he agrees, offering her his arm, though he lets her help navigate them through the room a bit.

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2013-02-15 04:12 am UTC (link)
And that she does, quite gracefully. She does her best to reel her aura in as she makes a few polite introductions to a few of her fathers' clients also at the drinks table. When she's not worrying about who's looking where or why, it's a nice party.

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2013-02-15 04:30 am UTC (link)
Jon is polite, certainly. He's clearly out of his element, but politeness comes easily, and he has some experience at dealing with a variety of people - mostly due to his mother.

Per that tendency towards a certain style of politness, he gets them both a drink, bringing her cider back to her.

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2013-02-15 04:32 am UTC (link)
She smiles. "Thank you." And she drinks. It is, indeed, still good stuff, and Sally always has an appetite.

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2013-02-15 04:33 am UTC (link)
He finds them somewhere to sit, pulling her chair out for her and making sure she's comfortable before he settles in as well. That done, he finally tries the cider as well.

"You're right, this is good. Any other suggestions?"

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2013-02-15 04:35 am UTC (link)
She sits. "A lot of the food's good. What's your opinion of caviar?"

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2013-02-15 04:36 am UTC (link)
"Uhm, my opinion is that... its a really expensive food that I've never tried?"

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2013-02-15 04:40 am UTC (link)
Sally giggles. "Well, what do you think of sushi?"

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2013-02-15 04:44 am UTC (link)
"That, at least, I've tried. Jo likes it better than I do, but its not bad. After the two years of one totally alien cuisine after another, you'd think I'd be more all over the map, instead of tending to default back to cheeseburgers and milkshakes... but no."

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2013-02-15 04:48 am UTC (link)
"Hmm. Maybe go more for some of the other snacks, then. Pretty sure only people who really like sushi are likely to like caviar. It's superfishy. So, anyway, we can go for the food in a bit." That's when music picks up. Sally knows the cellist personally, and they're all very good. "But first, would you like to dance?"

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2013-02-15 05:09 am UTC (link)
"I'd love to dance. Can't promise any great skill at it, but I'd love to try." he agrees, standing and offering an arm.

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2013-02-15 05:12 am UTC (link)
She'll take it, and out on the floor they go. "Oh, I'm nothing special either." But on the other hand, they both have excellent reflexes, so there's hardly any chance, as they fall into the tempo of the music, of stepping on each other's feet.

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2013-02-15 05:16 am UTC (link)
No chance at all, really, as that's the first thing he's looking out for. Once he gets the basics down, he has a chance to watch what some of the better dancers are doing, starting to pick that up as well, given those excellent reflexes of his.

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2013-02-15 05:22 am UTC (link)
And as they get the hang of it, Sally relaxes and enjoys herself as they make their way on the floor.

--and occasionally remembers to reel in the aura.

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2013-02-15 05:25 am UTC (link)
He picks up more and more as the dance goes, coordinating it all pretty well. They also definitely have all eyes on them somewhere in the middle of it all.

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2013-02-15 05:34 am UTC (link)
She notices a little, peripherally, but not enough to bother her, and just smiles up at Jon.

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2013-02-15 05:51 am UTC (link)
He smiles back at her, but not in the way of most. As soon as he'd picked up on the pheromones - potent though they were, he'd been doing the 'hold breath long enough to make long space journeys' thing - trying to give her someone just seeing her for who she really was, and paying attention to her for her own sake, instead of her powers.

"Another dance?"

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2013-02-15 05:53 am UTC (link)
And Sally can tell the difference, and it means, well, it means practically everything.

"Yes. Yes, please."

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2013-02-15 07:41 am UTC (link)
Not something he can do forever. Just... a couple days at a time if really pressed. With a little more experience at it, and a chance to learn moves from those around, its not too long before they might be getting a fair amount of attention on the floor even without her powers.

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