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§ha§ha ƒuиky §hake™ ([info]zellywellywoowo) wrote,
@ 2008-03-17 17:08:00

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Current mood: blah

I haven't felt up to updating recently but I feel I have things to actually write about.

1. I have an opportunity to be a business owner but the question is, do i WANT to own THAT business? The answer is NO but It will give me so much more in life and LOTS more money at LEAST 20g's more than what I make right now.

2. Been partying a LOT lately. Went out Thursday night to Hardtimes, goooood time. Friday we went to Hardtimes, Saturday Qball, Sunday we went to Bennigans with our friends and dressed like the Irish Circus. It was HILARIOUS and fun. LOTS of good pics to post later. Then we went to Lucky's after but it was just 5 of us who partied after the dinner. Tonight we will be going to Hardtimes again in our ridiculous St.Patty's Day gear. It's gonna get stupid! lol

3. I decided to forget about Matt. Get over him you know? It's like we are friends, but not like we used to be and i REALLY blame his ex for that. I will always be his friend but i was like....whatever he really doesn't make any attempt to talk to me anymore unless I am already in NJ in which he tries REALLY hard to see me (which is surprising) but get this.... I was thinking this last night....just let it all go and then at 5:45am....yes BEFORE DAWN he texts me...we were talking back and forth for a while and i finally was able to fall back asleep around 8am. I was shocked it was him to be honest and so i thought "Is this a sign or something?" So I guess i won't give up just yet.

4. Next month is gonna be super ridiculous for me. My birthday is next month, Mike's Bday is next month, Kyle and Colleen's Wedding is next month, OTHER Mike is coming back from Italy, and Starscream will be here for a day on the 16th. It's gonna be a busy month for me. I am mostly looking forward to the wedding. I am SO excited about it. I caught a glimpse of Colleen in her wedding gown in a pic she showed me yesterday at dinner and she was SO beautiful in it. Her hair was really lovely.

Anyway im off for now. I will have pics and such from the last few days up by the end of the week i think but Tabby's pics (the better ones) are on a disposable cam so those will come later. BOO >:[

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2008-03-18 08:55 am UTC (link)
it's an eyeglasses thing....i worked there before for 4 years and finally called it quits it was boring as fuck but maybe owning it would be different...ah who knows. I dont know what to do.

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