Name: Crescent City Institute
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anastas From: [info]anastas Date: October 2nd, 2010 06:07 am (UTC) (Link)


Ordinarily Stas would ruin this pleasant moment by mentioning that she probably could survive longer without kissing, but that was fine because he had other options. He did have other options, but he didn't want to crush her delightful giggling so soundly.

"What on Earth is this?" he asked taking the dinosaur ring from her hand. He slipped it into his pants pocket for safe keeping.

"I am glad you like it." He enjoyed the moment, heads pressed together, bodies moving to the rhythm. Their one dance was bleeding into a second dance as the song shifted. It was another slow one and Anastas was regretting telling her that she could only have one dance.
soleada From: [info]soleada Date: October 2nd, 2010 06:22 am (UTC) (Link)


She laughed about the dinosaur ring in his pocket. "It's an Apatosaurus, commonly referred to as a Brontosaurus," she said innocently as if it would explain everything.

She was kind of hoping the song would last just a little bit longer. Nice moments like this happened fairly infrequently with Stasi, and they were so nice it was almost worth all the bullshit to get there. She wasn't going to be the one to stop dancing so she kept right on going when the second song had clearly taken over.
anastas From: [info]anastas Date: October 2nd, 2010 06:27 am (UTC) (Link)


He shook his head quietly at the little explanation of the dinosaur that was less explanation and more paleontology lesson. "I will google later why it has two names. I am more curious about why you know them both."

The music continued on and they were still moving. He smirked at her just a little bit. "Okay you win again. You get two dances tonight, but that is my limit. In return I get one scorching good night kiss and at least one round of shots somewhere teachers will not see."
soleada From: [info]soleada Date: October 2nd, 2010 06:40 am (UTC) (Link)


She grinned. "I like dinosaurs," she shrugged a little. "I used to hoard all the library's paleontology books when I was little," she admitted sheepishly. "Dinosaurs are effin cool," she added with emphasis.

She laughed easily, she had her sneaky little way of getting what she wanted. "Admit it, you love dancing. But since I'm nice and I only asked for one dance I will meet your wager sir," she giggled again, and again tried to push memories from the night before out of her head.
anastas From: [info]anastas Date: October 7th, 2010 05:13 pm (UTC) (Link)


He finished the dance as promised, chatting idly about how wonderful dinosaurs were (stopping long enough to ask her what her favorite dinosaur happened to be).

After he escorted her from the floor and found a spot at a table where they could be comfortable. He could sneak his hip flask out long enough to toss a shot into his cup of punch and properly enjoy the evening.

When Sunny seemed restless and bored he insisted that she should go have some fun with her friends for awhile. Most of her friends didn't approve of him and he didn't want to suck up all her time this evening. Also he thought it would be some fun to go out on the prowl, see how much he could get away with.
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