Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute -
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Characters: Tatum & Gray.
Setting: Monday morning, third period; 11th grade History of Magic.
Rating: SFW, and full of so much awkward your eyes will bleed.
Summary: Professor Verret is assigning partners for this week's project, and it doesn't look hopeful.

Although she didn't mind History of Magic usually, Monday morning lessons in it did seem to drag on more than they needed to. Professor Verret was talking about something or other related to the upcoming Swamp Festival and how that related to the rest of the course, Tatum wasn't even sure. She had only been in class for ten minutes and already had been in a bit of a daze, slumped into her seat beside Frankie, with a laptop open on the desk in front of her. Occasionally, she would quickly type down a jot of a few words that sounded important, but other than that, she had found herself skimming websites for Super Nintendo roms as the teacher spoke.

When there was about forty minutes left of the lesson when Tatum finally did begin to pay attention. Professor Verret was explaining what their assignment was for the week, and although she didn't feel like listening right then, Tatum tried anyway. It all sounded fine and good, a simple five page report on how magic related to the origins of the New Orleans Swamp Fest, and they would be given the remainder of this period to go to the library and pick out the books they would need to complete the report. It was to be handed in Friday morning, at the beginning of the period and no later. That was fine, no problems there, until Professor Vetter spoke four words that made Tatum's blood run cold, tensing up in her seat.

"Now, let's decide partners."

Tatum immediately glanced beside her at Frankie, finding herself unable to read her expression. She seemed a lot more nonplussed than Tatum herself, or at least it seemed. Still slumped into her seat, but definitely paying attention now, Tatum listened as the teacher rattled off the students names in pairs of two, and reminding them all that they were to speak only with their assigned partners for the rest of this period. It was a library trip, not a social hour. She almost visibly winced when Professor Vetter named off Frankie, along with another girl from class. There went her only chance at finishing this project without any awkwardness. Goddamn, she hated group work.

There were only about six people left to be paired off when the teacher finally reached Tatum's name on the list.

"Tatum Donnelly and Gregoire LeClair."

There was that feeling of her blood running cold again. She couldn't even bring herself to try to turn her head and spot where Gray was sitting in the room. Her face was already feel hot, despite how she tried to calm herself down. Once the list in Professor Verret's hand was finished, she dismissed them to proceed to the library quietly, and people began to move around the room, meeting up with their partners and leaving the classroom with them. Slowly, Tatum stood on somewhat unsteady legs, closing her laptop and lifting up her schoolbag from the floor, shoving the computer into it.

This was so brutal.

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gregoire From: [info]gregoire Date: October 18th, 2010 08:44 pm (UTC) (Link)
Gray had been leaning back on the back legs of his chair with his feet propped on his desk when the teacher had announced project partners. Of course, he hadn't really been paying attention to what the hell the project was-- and was a little surprised when he heard Tatum's name.

Wasn't Tatum France's little redheaded freshman girlfriend? Since when was she even in this class? He glanced over to where Frankie and some blonde girl were sitting, and made a face. Standing, he wandered over. As usual, he leered at Frankie, greeting her with some raunchy French innuendo and smirked as she rolled her eyes at him and walked away. It was how he joked around with her. Mostly.

Turning to the blonde, he--oh, hey.

"Hey," He nodded to Tatum in acknowledgment, "So what grade are you supposed to be in, anyway?"
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: October 18th, 2010 08:56 pm (UTC) (Link)
Tatum didn't a hundred percent catch what he said to Frankie, her French had never been perfect, but she caught enough of it to already feel worse about this whole assignment. She loosely slung her backpack over one shoulder as he addressed her. "Hey," she replied softly, noting that they were one of the few pairs still left in the room at this point. It seemed like everyone was eager to get out, even if it was only to the library.

Her brow furrowed a bit when he asked her about her grade, unsure if he was joking, or if it was a trick question or something. "Uhm, this one? Grade eleven?"
gregoire From: [info]gregoire Date: October 19th, 2010 06:07 am (UTC) (Link)
"Really?" Gray raised both of his eyebrows. Somehow he still didn't believe it. Even though she was about Frankie's size. Then again, they were totally different girls. Really different. What exactly did France see in this girl? Maybe it was a Lesbian thing.

"Dude, how old are you?" He laughed as if it were a joke, and that she would get it.
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: October 19th, 2010 09:52 am (UTC) (Link)
The slightly confused look never left Tatum's face, as she nodded a bit when he questioned if she really meant it. Of course she did; where else would she have been? She had been here since the first day of class, as far as she knew. Maybe it was a French thing.

"Sixteen?" she answered, a little timidly as he began to laugh. This day was never going to end.
gregoire From: [info]gregoire Date: October 19th, 2010 11:57 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Okay," He scoffed, the humor in his voice still making it pretty obvious that he didn't quite believe it. Nevertheless, he shrugged it off and shifted the subject. It wasn't like he really cared that much about how close to pedo-bait this girl may or may not have been. Not for too long, anyhow.

"So! You're a nerd, right?" He paused, looking somewhat bashful. "What are we even supposed to be doing right now?"
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: October 20th, 2010 09:43 am (UTC) (Link)
Tatum couldn't help but be reminded why it was that she tried to avoid socializing with other people. If all jocks were as clueless as Gray, then it all made sense. "Uh, I guess I am?" she answered, blinking a bit. She shifted, moving her bag on her shoulder again, and slowly beginning to walk toward the exit of the room, following the last few people, and assuming he would follow her.

She kept speaking, hoping that would make it clear to him that he was meant to walk with her. You couldn't be too sure with the slightly retarded though. "We have to do a paper. Five pages, uhm.. about the Swamp Fest. Ways magical tied into it's origins. And then have it done by Friday morning," she explained, trailing off a bit. "I figure we can, uhm.. use today to divvy up parts, and then we can combine it on Thursday night and I'll.. edit it together or whatever. If you want."

She wasn't sure leaving Gray to his own devices was a good idea. Would he even finish his half? She'd probably be stuck furious typing out the entire project on Thursday night instead of combining two pieces of work in a simple edit. Oh well; at least they wouldn't have to spend every afternoon together.
gregoire From: [info]gregoire Date: October 21st, 2010 08:52 am (UTC) (Link)
Gray was pretty much oblivious when it came to how girls felt (story of his life) so if Tatum felt uncomfortable-- he didn't notice at all. He ran a hand through his mess of hair and followed her out of the classroom.

"Swamp Fest? ...You mean the music festival?" He didn't answer her about writing the paper. He was not great at writing them, and even better at leaving all the work to group partners.
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: October 21st, 2010 09:37 am (UTC) (Link)
"It's not entirely music," Tatum corrected him absently, moving out of the way for a group of boys passing in the opposite direction as they walked. "I assume she wants more information related to the Cajun culture and heritage involved with it. Some magical people who may have been around during the period of time that the Swamp Fest is actually celebrating. I'm sure she'd accept a write up on any famous New Orleans witch or wizard, as long as they lived here then," she explained, glancing toward Gray again, and then quickly away.

"It's not that hard of an assignment," she added quietly.
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