Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute - January 7th, 2011
Text to Adelaide
cant sleep so lets play fuck/marry/kill. u better b up. remember u have to choose. heres ur choices: Stas/Sunny/AB. :-P


Watch Out Betty Crocker
Characters: Marina and Bobby
Setting: Friday after classes in the student kitchen
Rating: Probably worksafe
Summary: Bobby tries to teach Marina how to cook. She's not very good at it.

The kitchen was unbelievably clean considering that it was used primarily by students. )


Backdated: Email to Charlie
To: Charlie thingy (
From: Adelaide Legaux (
Date: January 2, 2011, 10:15 PM
Subject: nye party

um, so, whatever I had, don't ever let me have it again, okaay?

ps: what's a gray ride and why does eevryone know i went on one? please dont let it be what it dounds like 8|

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Characters: Stas and Emilie
Setting: Friday evening, a ways from the Quodpot field
Rating: Probably NSFW, it's Stas and Emilie (drug use, swearing)
Summary: The first time Emilie has run into Stas since the dress incident at the Snowflake Ball

Stas made the effort to go to the quodpot field and cheer for Sunny and her team for the early portion of the game, but his heart wasn't in it. He was anxious, unable to sit still, surely about to get himself into some kind of trouble with her again.

He cut out through the stands and back to the walk that lead towards school. )

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Welcome Back, Students!
Welcome back to school, students of CCI! We hope that you had a restful and energizing winter recess, and are gearing up for the next semester ahead. There are a few things of note that we, the administration, would like to bring to your attention.

First, we would like to point out that physical altercations of any kind are going to be dealt with more strictly. Fighting is not tolerated here at CCI and we will have more eyes out in the future to police the grounds in the future.

Second, some of you may have noticed that there is some new construction going on here on campus. We are about to become the home of a campus bookstore and cafe. This will be a place for students to rest between their classes, and stock up on things they might need for classes. We expect the work to be done in a month or so.

Third of all, there was an attack on a student's owl in the Sonnier owlery yesterday evening, and fortunately the poor animal survived, but there is no indication of what caused these wounds. If anyone has any information on this incident, please contact your head of house.

Thank you for your attention, and have a good, productive and safe semester.
Characters: Alexander Van Rensselaer and OPEN
Setting: Behind Lalaurie House
Content: Mostly safe? Depending on who shows up. There's ILLEGAL THINGS GOING ON (i.e. - underage smoking).
Summary: Alex wanted a smoke break.

Alex stood near the side of the building, roughly behind something he could easily hide behind if a faculty member walked by. He glanced around, making sure no adults were around, and then lit his cigarette, leaning against the wall. It had been a while since he'd had his nicotine fix and so he closed eyes and enjoyed it, hoping subconsciously that he wouldn't get caught.

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Characters: Ciaran & Sim
Setting: Near the Rienzi Dormitory
Content: Swearing and violence, y/y?
Summary: C & S find more reasons to hate each other.

Vulpes pilum mutat non mores )

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Text to Adelaide
yo i REALLY think that chick mari might be dtf & i hafta hit that shit. put in a good word for me.

oh, & u better not be tellin ppl about my man crush on gray. i dont want ppl thinkin im a fag like stas. k?
