Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute - September 1st, 2011
Characters: Rowan and Yev
Setting: Sonnier Dormitory, Thursday afternoon
Rating: SFW most likely
Summary: Yev isn't in the common room! GASP SHOCK! Rowan goes looking for him.

Humming to herself quietly, Rowan sat at the table in the common room and glanced at the clock on the wall. Well, that was odd. It had been almost a half an hour that she had been waiting there, and Yev was nowhere to be found. They had agreed to meet to work on this really awesome project of his, and he was a no show! Rowan sighed a little and looked at the books around her. Well, she could probably gather them all up again without too much of a problem, and then she did know where his dorm room was...

She decided that going up to check if he was there couldn't hurt. Maybe he had forgotten?

Collecting her things, and putting the books in her bag except for a few that were the most pertinent, she made her way to what she knew to be Yev's dorm room. Books all under one arm, she was able to knock on the door easily, calling out after she did, "Hey Yev? It's Rowan. I have the books for your project?"

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Characters: Quinn & Emilie
Setting: Transitional dorm, evening
Rating: Language, at least
Summary: Quinn is out, sees Em, and jumps on the chance to talk. They have some catching up to do.

The root of all evil )

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