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Crescent City Institute - New Years Eve Party
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New Years Eve Party
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: December 27th, 2010 02:13 am (UTC) (Link)

Re: Emilie/Ciaran

There was something on here he liked! And just as he was about to give up on this shitty list. Ciaran tried to drag and drop a few of the songs so that they'd line up, but the laptop wasn't have any of it.

Oh well, one would do for now. He could always skip it along when the song finished.

Satisfied with his choice, he picked up his drink and was about to return to playlist browsing when he noticed a pair of long legs next to him. His eyes moved up the torso, pausing briefly at chest level before meeting the face.

Oh. Green haired chick. Was she following him?
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: December 27th, 2010 02:27 am (UTC) (Link)


Emilie smirked a little more, this new guy was pretty good at looking bewildered. Was it weird that she found that attractive? She held out her mobile to him, a message already typed out for him.

It's pretty rude to go fucking with other peoples' stereos, you know.
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: December 27th, 2010 02:34 am (UTC) (Link)

Re: Emilie/Ciaran

Ciaran frowned a little at the screen, mouthing the words as he read them. He smirked and shrugged his shoulders before taking out his phone to reply.

I had to, the music sucked.
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: December 27th, 2010 02:44 am (UTC) (Link)


Emilie snerked, side-eyeing the laptop before writing another reply on her phone. She held the phone back up to him, grinning now.

If it were my party, your ass would be in a sling right now.
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: December 27th, 2010 03:01 am (UTC) (Link)

Re: Emilie/Ciaran

He grinned back, shaking his head a bit as he typed out his reply.

I can put new found glory back on for you

He moved the cursor up the playlist to where it had been before he'd changed it, highlighting the song before turning his attention to the girl again. One little click and they were back to where they started...
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: December 27th, 2010 03:11 am (UTC) (Link)


Oh god, nearly anything was better than NFG. Emilie grabbed at Ciaran's wrist with her hand, trying to tug him away from the laptop.

"Dude, don't!" She laughed, though it was mostly muffled by the music.
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: December 27th, 2010 03:21 am (UTC) (Link)

Re: Emilie/Ciaran

He guessed that was a no to New Found Glory. With his free hand he deleted his characters and wrote out a new message.

Ok, what then?
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: December 27th, 2010 03:31 am (UTC) (Link)


Emilie arched a brow and let go of his wrist so that she could type out a new message to him.

What else did you have in mind, Pony Boy?
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: December 27th, 2010 03:46 am (UTC) (Link)

Re: Emilie/Ciaran

He gave the girl a look. Pony boy?

Ciaran turned to the laptop, scanning the playlist again. He had to admit, it wasn't all bad. Just...three quarters bad, maybe.

Finding something he liked, something fitting, he clicked play and The Clash cut off. A couple of people turned around to see who was dicking with the tunes, Ciaran just raised an eyebrow at the girl.

babalon From: [info]babalon Date: December 27th, 2010 04:22 am (UTC) (Link)


Emilie smiled in such a way at Ciaran that probably would have unsettled a more seasoned student at CCI, but someone who didn't know her well, like Ciaran, might call it... mischievous.

She held up her phone to him again, reclaiming her drink and sipping it nonchalantly while she waited for him to read.

I'm Émilie.
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: December 27th, 2010 04:45 am (UTC) (Link)

Re: Emilie/Ciaran

Mischievous fit the song, which had definitely been more of a challenge than mere preferece. He read her phone and then typed back a response.


He waited until she'd read his name, then deleted the text and started to write something else. He got about halfway through before changing his mind about typing out his message. Ciaran shoved his phone back into his pocket and leaned close to Emilie's ear. "Maybe we shouldn't stand right near the speakers."
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: December 27th, 2010 05:10 am (UTC) (Link)


Emilie nodded and grabbed his hand, pulling him back in the direction of the kitchen-- but then she realized Mari was probably still there. The last thing she wanted was Mari butting in and stalking them.

She turned back to Ciaran and spoke into his ear. "Join me for a smoke?"
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: December 27th, 2010 05:28 am (UTC) (Link)

Re: Emilie/Ciaran

Yeah, they didn't need to go that way. Mari was...nice, but standing in someone's kitchen, chatting to a nice girl was just not how things were meant to go right now.

Ciaran gave Emilie's hand a tug in the other direction, before leaning close to her ear again. "Yeah. We can go out the front door."
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: December 27th, 2010 02:14 pm (UTC) (Link)


Emilie smirked, keeping close to him so they could speak. "Avoiding someone?" Her laughter was hushed against the music.

"Okay," She agreed, dragging him in the direction he'd tugged her, though it could hardly be called dragging when the person followed after you willingly.

Outside, the silence of the night was almost jarring. It was warm compared to New York. Only then did she let go of his hand, clicking open a small cigarette case she'd pulled from said jacket, perching a black cigarette between her lips. Sure, flavoured cigarettes were illegal now-- but wizard-run tobacco shops still sold a good equivalent to cloves.

She flipped open a small skull, about the size of a pot of lip gloss, and inside was a small, glowing ember that she lit her cigarette on. The smoke at the end of the cigarette curled into the pattern of a Celtic knot. Morrigan Darks. Gimmicky, but she still kept buying them.

"Kinda girly, I know. But they taste good," she offered, holding out her cigarette case and flame-less lighter.
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: December 27th, 2010 03:04 pm (UTC) (Link)

Re: Emilie/Ciaran

"Pretty much," he said. "She's uh...talkative."

And anything that took him away from someone talkative was definitely worth following willingly. If that 'anything' was wearing a short, tight dress...that was just a nice, big bonus really, wasn't it?

He took a cigarette from the case and tipped the end against the ember to light it. The noise from inside the house was still audible but it was highly muffled; filtered to a pleasnt hum of sociability. It served as a backing track to the sounds of outside.

Ciaran pressed his back against the wall and exhaled smoke through his nose. He always thought people looked a little like dragons when they did that.

Taking another drag from his cigarette, Ciaran let his eyes fall onto Emilie. That dress was doing a very good job of showcasing her assets. He watched as it became taut against her skin with the influx of breath, then slightly looser as she exhaled, losing a sliver of contact with those perky little breasts.

He exhaled again, eyeing the ground. "Not bad."
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: December 27th, 2010 04:38 pm (UTC) (Link)


Emilie watched his face intently, trying to figure out for herself if any of the rumors that she had heard over the past semester were true. They were in different houses, and different years-- she knew that.

The only thing she could surmise was that he was intensely interested in her tits.

This was unsurprising.

"Yeah. I'd like to think so." She laughed, and smoked her cigarette for a minute in silence, contemplating her next question. "So is it true what they say about you?"
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: December 27th, 2010 07:08 pm (UTC) (Link)

Re: Emilie/Ciaran

"Hmm?" He glanced up at Emilie, apparently missing the comment to tits association. Really, he'd meant the cigarettes.

Ciaran brought his drink to his lips and finished off half of the glass before setting it down on the floor beside him. It felt like a different lifetime since he'd last had a cigarette.

And then came the million dollar question.

"Probably not," he replied. "What are they saying?"

Or more aptly, what were they saying now? The drug dealer rumour appeared to be dying off a bit, but people continued to give him strange looks. Someone had to be saying something.
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: December 27th, 2010 10:09 pm (UTC) (Link)


"That you killed a student, or students." Emilie snerked, pressing her drink to her lips and drinking heartily. She grimaced a little bit at the clash of flavors and continued.

"With or without a pencil. That you ate a baby. That you broke your principal's nose," She tried to contain her laughter as she told the rumours, never having really believed any of them. "Some people are even saying you might have something to do with the disappearances of those kids in October."

She snickered some, and took another drag of her cigarette.
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: December 27th, 2010 10:29 pm (UTC) (Link)

Re: Emilie/Ciaran

Well, that explained a lot. "Least I know why a girl in art club looked ready to bolt when I borrowed her pencil."

Ciaran sighed, fixing his eyes on the cigarette in his hand and blowing smoke out through his nose again. "There's only one of those that is close to true. Some of them...a baby? I..." He shook his head in disbelief.

And people thought he was stupid.

"I got into fights, they moved me. Didn't kill anyone, especially not a baby, I just knocked out a few teeth and bruised a few faces."
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: December 27th, 2010 11:39 pm (UTC) (Link)


"Gotta admit, I'm a little disappointed. I thought your story would be a little more interesting than that."

She took a big gulp of the last of her drink, tilting the large glass back over her head. When she was finished, she sighed and put the glass on the railing.

"Mari kept trying to tell me you were criminally insane," She giggled. "But you seem too chill for that."
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: December 27th, 2010 11:53 pm (UTC) (Link)

Re: Emilie/Ciaran

"It's hard to top being a serial killer," He shrugged. "What's breaking a kid's nose in class compared to chopping up people from my school?"

Ciaran finished his cigarette and stubbed it out, throwing the butt of it over the railing. Criminally insane? He smirked. "Yeah, but that could change. They say it's always the quiet ones...maybe I just have a long fuse."
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: December 28th, 2010 12:39 am (UTC) (Link)


"Oh, I know." She tilted her head, still smirking and finding it hard to stop. Possibly from the alcohol, but more likely the company. Or was it the other way around?

"I could think of a couple of ways you could change things," she laughed knowingly, intending to pluck at the fabric of his shirt but tugging at it in actuality. "You're in luck, my friend. I just so happen to be the biggest trouble-maker in school."

She sing-songed that last sentence, if only slightly.

It was definitely the alcohol.
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: December 28th, 2010 12:56 am (UTC) (Link)

Re: Emilie/Ciaran

He picked up his drink and down the rest of it, leaving the glass beside Emilie's on the railing.

"Oh? Are you going to share that, or..." Ciaran looked down at the handful of shirt she was holding. He was rather fond of this t-shirt...but then he was rather fond the view he had now that she was tugging on his clothes.

"You don't seem like trouble to me. Are you gonna prove it?"
babalon From: [info]babalon Date: December 28th, 2010 01:19 am (UTC) (Link)


"Is that a challenge?" Emilie's face lit up like a child's at Christmas. Leaning in closer to him, against him, really; she hushed her voice.

"Well, Fuck. There's so many options. Vandalism, violence, sex, drugs, pure fucking mindless chaos." The sides of her face hurt a little from smiling so much, or they would, were she not drowning in vodka.

"What's your pleasure, Ponyboy?"
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: December 28th, 2010 03:00 am (UTC) (Link)

Re: Emilie/Ciaran

"It is, if you think you're up to it." Ciaran brushed his hand against her hip and pressed her back against the wall. "And you shouldn't have a problem with any of those...if you're really that much trouble."

His free hand crept down to her thigh, resting just about where the skirt of her ended. "I think sex would be a good place to start. After that..." Ciaran shrugged his shoulders. "...just see where it goes."
Emilie/Ciaran - [info]babalon
Re: Emilie/Ciaran - [info]cantspell
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