Name: Crescent City Institute
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Crescent City Institute - Timing the explosions
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Timing the explosions
From: [info]legaux Date: August 25th, 2010 04:02 am (UTC) (Link)
"For serious!" She could tell Michi didn't believe her. "I was looking at the clubs sheet in the hallway and she just shoved me. Crazy bitch started throwing punches, and then Fortis came out, jeez. Pendragon gave us the eye like crazy. She was pissed, man, for real."
gimmeskittles From: [info]gimmeskittles Date: August 25th, 2010 04:10 am (UTC) (Link)
Michiko had known Abby ever since they were in the lower institute. She didn't know her particularly well but she knew she wasn't the kind of girl to go throwing punches for nothing. And as much as Michiko love her strange relationship with Addy, she knew the girl could say some pretty offensive things without knowing it.

"Fortis! Dang! That man... is intense. Pendragon was probably furious because not only was it the first day back but it was you and Abby again. What did you get for detention?"
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