Name: Crescent City Institute
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molly_mormon From: [info]molly_mormon Date: January 18th, 2011 09:01 pm (UTC) (Link)
"No... nothing wrong. It's... anatomically correct. It's very good, actually. Just, not something I'd expect to see in a high school art club." She flicked her glance back over at the bowl of fruit she'd been drawing. It seemed a lot more appropriate to her.

She glanced back down at the drawing. "Fruit too boring?"
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: January 18th, 2011 09:19 pm (UTC) (Link)
Ciaran shrugged his shoulders. "We don't have to draw what's on the table. I'm using my initiative." Which is something you probably lack.

"And yeah, fruit's boring. Besides, I'm better at life drawing than still life. Maybe I'll draw you next time." He bit back a smirk and watched her reaction to that.

What? It was a compliment...
molly_mormon From: [info]molly_mormon Date: January 18th, 2011 09:39 pm (UTC) (Link)
Molly peeled her eyes away from his rique drawing. "I think you should show Ms. Eastman that picture. I bet she'd love it." She nodded and gestured toward his drawing before glancing back at him.

She couldn't help but blush again. She couldn't tell if he was being sincere or not. "You could draw me, if you want. But not like that." Not only was she pretty sure it could be considered kiddy porn, but she was hardly comfortable with her own skin when she was in private. Letting someone else see it wasn't high on her list of priorities.

She tugged at her hoodie before stuffing her hands in the pockets. "I keep my clothes on."
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: January 18th, 2011 10:07 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Probably. She told me I needed to do more stuff where people weren't facing away from me." He gave another little shrug. "They're easier to draw."

She was still blushing. Hmm. Ciaran had wanted to get a reaction from her, but he...wasn't sure it was this one. Why wasn't she offended? Or was she just playing nice and pretending not to be offended so that she could try and soften him up for a bit of god-bother talk later on?

Ciaran unfolded his arms and closed his sketchbook.

"She's an ex, so it's nothing I haven't seen before." He narrowed his eyes slightly. "Why do you want me to draw you?"
molly_mormon From: [info]molly_mormon Date: January 18th, 2011 10:24 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Not good with faces?" She had to admit that faces were a lot harder to draw than the curve of a shoulder or the draping pattern of jeans, but she wasn't sure why he drew the backs of people. Couldn't he get anyone to sit for him?

"I... I don't. You're the one who mentioned it." He was flustering her. First the naughty picture, then the insinuation about drawing her and now making it seem as if she were the one asking him to draw her. She toed a crack in the flooring.

She sensed Ciaran didn't really want to be talking to her, but she was trying to be nice. He never really talked to anyone in Art Club and she thought he could use some friends.
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: January 18th, 2011 11:05 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I'm fine with faces." Ciaran held up his sketchbook and opened it on the page of his naked ex-girlfriend. "She has a face, doesn't she?"

He closed his sketchbook and put it down on the desk again. "Like I said, I'm better at drawing people than objects, but you can't make a person turn around and look at you when you're drawing what's in front of you. Real life doesn't have a fourth wall."

He frowned a bit. "I offered and you said yes. You didn't have to."

Ciaran sighed through his nose. Now he was upsetting another girl in art club. What was it with girls in art club? Why were they all so easily afraid/offended? "You said yes when I asked, I just wanted to know why. I'm you."
molly_mormon From: [info]molly_mormon Date: January 19th, 2011 01:46 am (UTC) (Link)
Molly didn't bother to glance down at the sketch again. It was mostly ingrained in her head for the rest of her life. "So why don't you go to the front of the room and draw the people who are facing forward?" Because that might draw too much attention, Molly!

"Not like me? What is that supposed to mean? Everyone is different. You're a boy, I'm a girl. I'm not like you, either. But what does that have to do with me saying I'd sit for you?" She sighed softly. "Seems that if you're having trouble finding models, I could do it. It's not that big of a deal. It isn't as if you asked me to go on a date with you or anything."
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: January 19th, 2011 05:59 pm (UTC) (Link)
"There' no desk at the front," he said with a frown. "And...that would look weird. I do most of my sketches outside of art club anyway."

Everyone was different, that was true enough...but not everyone was a weird Mormon chick saying they'd let an organised religion-hating punk blasphemer draw them for art class.

Was she just being nice?

He gave a noncommittal shrug. "Fine. I guess Eastman would appreciate it...teamwork or whatever."
molly_mormon From: [info]molly_mormon Date: January 19th, 2011 06:29 pm (UTC) (Link)
"You are afraid of looking weird? You?" Molly had heard the rumors just like everyone else. She also knew that he wasn't doing anything to clear them up. She also didn't believe them for a second. He'd be in jail or at the very least a juvenile detention center for even the mildest of those rumors.

But she shrugged. She supposed everyone had their quirks, it was part of what made them different. She nodded, conceding to the fact that the art director would in fact like to see some of the students working together. "And maybe you can sit for me." She'd just never ever ever let her mother see the picture. She'd pull her out of CCI for sure.
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: January 19th, 2011 11:22 pm (UTC) (Link)
So she thought he looked weird? Nice. Especially since she wore jeans or grandma's hand-me-downs most of the time. Nothing weird going on with weird Mormon chick, oh no.

Ciaran folded his arms over his chest again. "People think I deal inbetween murder sprees. Do I need to give people more reasons to think I'm nuts?"

He laughed a little at Molly's suggestion. "You wanna draw me?" To show her Bible group what the average CCI heathen looked like? "Fair trade, I guess."
molly_mormon From: [info]molly_mormon Date: January 22nd, 2011 02:14 am (UTC) (Link)
"Well, why don't you tell people you haven't done those things?" She couldn't help but think to herself that if he didn't look like a serial killer, people probably wouldn't believe the rumors. She shrugged, "But I guess there's no reason to give them any more cause to think you're strange."

She shrugged again, wondering why he found it so funny that she wanted to draw him, too. "Well, you certainly have a different look about you, don't you? It will be a challenge I haven't taken on before." She shifted her gaze around and then looked back at him. "So when do you want me to sit for you?"
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: January 26th, 2011 10:01 pm (UTC) (Link)
Oh yeah, that would work. If he'd only said that to the little blonde chick, she would have believed him completely! She wouldn't be suspicious of him at all!

Was it any wonder Mormons kept to their own? "I don't think they'd be convinced, and yeah, there isn't really."

A challenge? Well that was one way to put it. Was she allowed to draw punk boys at home, or was this a Mormon girl rebelling against the system?

"Uh...I dunno. Whenever you're free. Just...whenever." Ciaran shrugged his shoulders. Would she let him into her room? Would she go into his? If not, they'd have to sit in the art room, which was...kind of embarrassing really.
molly_mormon From: [info]molly_mormon Date: February 3rd, 2011 02:41 am (UTC) (Link)
"You're not exactly doing anything to contradict the rumors, either, though." She shrugged slightly and shifted her weight to her other leg.

"Okay, whenever works for me." She smirked slightly and wondered if she was putting this punk kid off his game. He seemed relatively harmless to her, but then they were under adult supervision at the moment, too.

"Just let me know when you're ready." She glanced back to the desk she'd abandoned to sharpen her pencil and gestured toward it with her chin. "I should probably get back to the fruit."
cantspell From: [info]cantspell Date: February 12th, 2011 07:04 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I shouldn't have to," Ciaran replied. "They're stupid rumours; only idiots believe that kind of stuff."

Why was it on his shoulders to change things? He hadn't started the rumours. And it wasn't his fault if his behaviour didn't dissuade people from thinking those things, wasn it? What did she expect him to do, start picking flowers and petting bunnies?

"Okay. I can email you or...something." As a Jesus freak, wasn't she meant to be shier, more of a wallflower? She dressed the part, but she seemed sort of...pushy, in a way. Ciaran didn't know what to make of that.

"Yeah, I'll get back to my...not fruit," he replied. "It needs finishing so that I can show Eastman."
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