Name: Crescent City Institute
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aguas_santas From: [info]aguas_santas Date: March 16th, 2011 01:57 am (UTC) (Link)
"Oh jeez," Marina said as she bumped hard into Erica. She hadn't been paying much attention either, looking behind her at a cute girl who was crossing the street. "I'm sorry. Oh. Hey." She recognized Erica from quodpot. She whipped out her wand and cast a quick cleaning spell and another cooling one on top of it to soothe her arm from a potential coffee burn. "Can't save the coffee," she said sadly, but then she grinned at Erica cheerily. "But I can buy you a fresh one to apologize."
crescentcitynpc From: [info]crescentcitynpc Date: March 16th, 2011 05:08 pm (UTC) (Link)
She had been watching around the Rue for a few weeks now, just trying to get a feel for the place and the people. Just as speculated, she had overheard that there was a school in town and her next goal was to talk to some of these students. She had been in the book store for a while now looking through the baby section when she noticed the two younger girls.

She was quick to flutter by with an arm full of parenting books and her pregnant belly just starting to show. "Oh! That was a neat spell," she beamed at the girl with vibrantly colored hair. "I'm going to have to remember that one soon," she said sweetly.
hardluckwoman From: [info]hardluckwoman Date: March 20th, 2011 12:33 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Forget about it, no big deal," Erica replied with some mild disdain, looking down at the mostly empty cup. There were a few sips left in there anyway. But who could pass up a free refill? She shrugged her shoulders a little, slouching some as she did so. "If you want to," she agreed, giving Marina a little glance over. Cute, and familiar from somewhere. She might even be fun.

Any friendly attention was better than no friendly attention. "Hey though, do I know you from--" she began, interrupted when there was sudden a woman beside them. Erica furrowed her brows slightly at her. It was a pretty basic spell, but she wasn't going to mouth off to a stranger. "It worked?" she offered weakly, displaying her cleaned up limb slightly.
aguas_santas From: [info]aguas_santas Date: March 23rd, 2011 03:24 am (UTC) (Link)
"I'd love to," Marina said happily. And then they were interrupted. "It's no big," she said to the stranger, one of the easier charms she had learned to clean up a mess.

Then she beamed. "Parenting books," she said figuring if the lady could barge in on their conversation she could be a little forward too. "Are you having a baby?" she asked. Marina kind of couldn't help herself, but she had a tendency to fawn over pregnant things.
crescentcitynpc From: [info]crescentcitynpc Date: March 23rd, 2011 03:40 am (UTC) (Link)
She hadn't done much magic in the past few years it was hard to recall which spells were basic and which were not. She brushed it off anyways with a bright smile. "I am!" she beamed at the girl. "Not sure if we'll have a boy or girl yet though."

"Are you girls students at the school?" she asked enthusiastically.
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