Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
Crescent City Institute - Post a comment
Characters: Leon Shaw and OPEN
Setting: Quodpot fields, back corner.
Content: NSFW for Underage drinking, drug use, cursing.
Summary: Leon is drowning his boredom (or sorrows) in a bottle of tequlia after having popped a few pills. He's not really looking for company, but then again...he never is.

If self-loathing had a tangible form, it was Tequila and Valium; both of which he had in abundant supply at the moment. Or at least enough to get him by for the day. And while the Valium had been easy enough to come by, with the help of certain 'friends'. The Tequila had taken a bit of a work and a homeless man willing enough to get it the bottle for him. Luckily, homeless people were a dime a dozen in downtown New Orleans, and with the promise of food or beer? You could convince just about any of them to do you a favor.

But once he'd gotten back to campus and ready for a relaxing date with his personal demons, his dorm felt too....closed in. The walls loomed about him with sightless, judging eyes from every poster that hung upon them, and the silence was maddening. Not even his playlist, though, could ease the tension he felt. Maybe it was because here, at any moment, Adelaide could be at his door. She'd demand to know what was up with him, why had he been avoiding her, and so on. It was as if he was testing fate by simply sitting in his room...

And so he left.

The Quodpot field wasn't exactly his first choice of hiding spots, but it was out of the way of Professors and students. At least, generally. From time to time there might be a stray in search of practice, but the corner was mostly out of sight, and he was most silent. What would be the chances of anyone noticing? None, right?

Made it a great time for a bit of a nap, then.


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