Name: Crescent City Institute
Back January 2012
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Crescent City Institute -
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Characters: Colby and Yevgeni
Setting: Monday after classes, outside near the woods
Content: Totally SFW
Summary: Colby spots someone by the woods with... blue hair? Must investigate!

After Herbology, Colby had gone back to her room and changed so she could head back out and enjoy the beautiful day before Astronomy that evening. She hadn't had any set path in mind, so she found herself wandering around the campus aimlessly, just looking around and enjoying the feeling of spring. It was cooler than it would have been in California most likely, but it was still nice. And for once she was glad she hadn't brought her skateboard, it was nice and relaxing to just walk sometimes.

As she neared the woods, her eyes caught a bit of movement and a flash of... blue, was that? Who on campus had blue hair? That one girl -- Emilie? -- had green, but not bright blue. Or maybe someone did have blue hair and she just hadn't noticed. She normally didn't really pay attention to things, so she definitely could have just forgotten. Still, it made her wonder who it was and what they were doing by the woods. Maybe they wouldn't mind someone tagging along.

"Hey!" Colby called out, jogging over. "Whatcha doing?"

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yevgeni From: [info]yevgeni Date: April 11th, 2011 04:51 am (UTC) (Link)
Yev had been attempting to sneak out to the woods to collect some more specimens for his herbology project and he had three jars to be filled. When he heard the voice behind him he turned and saw a familiar face. "Oh! Hi Colby," he said quietly. "I was just going to collect some plants and herbs, maybe some mud from the swamp. I am conducting a little research on the local flora," he explained.

"What are you doing?"
wantsthesky From: [info]wantsthesky Date: April 11th, 2011 05:03 am (UTC) (Link)
Colby beamed when she recognized him, coming to a halt in front of him. "Hey!" She said again, unnecessarily. "Sounds like fun. Is it for class, or just for fun?"

She shrugged, still smiling. "Nothing really, just wandering. It's too nice a day to be couped up inside, so I figured I'd take a walk or something."
yevgeni From: [info]yevgeni Date: April 11th, 2011 05:21 am (UTC) (Link)
"Both!" he said proudly, rubbing the back of his blue head with one of his bear paws. "Doing this sort of work helps me with my herbology and it is one of the classes that I am good at," he laughed quietly.

"Would you like to join me? I am just walking through the woods. We could walk together if you do not mind stopping every once in a while," he smiled shyly. He commended himself silently, he was getting quite a bit better at talking to people.
wantsthesky From: [info]wantsthesky Date: April 11th, 2011 11:55 am (UTC) (Link)
She laughed along with him, though louder, as was her way. "You're definitely a better student than me. I can hardly sit down to do my actual homework, and here you are doing extra credit type stuff!" She gave him a friendly grin.

"Yeah, that'd be cool! Maybe I could even help you out a bit in looking for samples and such," she offered with another smile.
yevgeni From: [info]yevgeni Date: April 11th, 2011 03:45 pm (UTC) (Link)
Yev smiled at her. "Well I am a good student with the book stuff but not at all when it comes to practicality," he admitted a bit ruefully. "Also, I do not know if you know this about me, but I am a terrific nerd," he grinned, again laughing quietly.

"Really? I would love the help," he beamed at her. He did not mind that company at all especially since she was so nice. "I know a lot of people are squeamish about the woods lately but I am so at home in them. It is nice to know not everyone has been scared off," he commented, taking the lead in walking toward the woods.

wantsthesky From: [info]wantsthesky Date: April 11th, 2011 06:16 pm (UTC) (Link)
She grinned back at him. "I'm better with the hands on stuff, I hate it when we have to read," she admitted a little sheepishly. "I don't think it's nerdy though," she said with a smile.

"Then we're partners," she cheered, throwing her arms in the air. She made a 'pffft' noise and waved her hand, looking a little confident. "I grew up with four older brothers, I'm not scared of anything!" She bounced along side him, excitedly. "So what exactly are we looking for," she asked, looking around.
yevgeni From: [info]yevgeni Date: April 11th, 2011 07:26 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Ah, together we would make the perfect student," he smiled brightly. "It is okay if you do think it is nerdy, I think it is nerdy." If anything Yev had a fantastic sense of humor about himself.

"Partners it is!" he beamed. "Oh good," he nodded. "I thought I had it bad with three older brothers," he laughed. "Well, I was thinking about getting a mud sample from the swamp to see if there were any magical qualities to it, I suspect there is. I also wanted to get some monkshood and maybe some flower petals from local species," he said as they walked along.

"Very interesting stuff plants and herbs," he said with a goofy grin, flicking his eyes toward her.
wantsthesky From: [info]wantsthesky Date: April 11th, 2011 08:36 pm (UTC) (Link)
"We would! The very best," she beamed back. "Well, maybe a bit, but nerdy isn't bad." She gave him another wide grin.

She laughed, shaking her head. "Bad in different ways, probably. You're the youngest boy, I'm the youngest girl." As they walked, she was practically skipping, unable to walk normally. "Sounds like some dirty work. I like it!"

She nodded, throwing him another smile. "Yeah, I like plants and stuff. They're fun and, yeah, interesting."
yevgeni From: [info]yevgeni Date: April 11th, 2011 10:51 pm (UTC) (Link)
"I am very glad to hear that you do no think nerdy is bad," he said stepping over a log. "I mean... I am a Sonnier," he grinned.

"That is true. Your brothers probably try to take care of you too much, my brothers just make a bad reputation for me and ignore me," he shrugged it off, smiling at the way she skipped beside him. She was a sprite of a girl, wasn't she? "Me too! I like to get into messes," he laughed.

"Ooo!" he bounced over to a brightly colored yellow flower, bending down he took out the shorter, rounder jar and flipped the lid open. Carefully, gently, he plucked two petals from the flower and put them into the jar. "Look at those," he marveled holding the jar up to Colby from his squatted position on the ground.

The petals glowed in the jar, casting a gentle golden light. "Beautiful," he said, marveling at the petals.
wantsthesky From: [info]wantsthesky Date: April 13th, 2011 06:22 pm (UTC) (Link)
"Right," she agreed with a grin. "So you kinda have to be at least a little dorky. But there are dorks in every house, so it's not too bad."

She made a face. "That sucks. Mine did both, kind of. It's one of the reasons I wanted to transfer, so I could go to a school where no one knew them. Damien's not as bad, though." Her expression quickly turned back to a smile, and she jumped onto a fallen log and walked along it. "Messes are the best!"

Jumping off the log, she pranced over to where Yev was and accepted the jar from him, admiring the petals. "Very pretty," she agreed with a smile. Glancing over at Yev, she giggled a little at his expression.
yevgeni From: [info]yevgeni Date: April 13th, 2011 06:41 pm (UTC) (Link)
"It is my solemn duty to be at least a little nerdy," he said putting his hand over his heart.

"I should have transferred but I did not want to know what would happen if I asked," he said honestly, perhaps a little too honestly. He bit his lip and looked away momentarily. "You are quite right though! There is nothing better than a nice mess," he grinned.

Yev snapped out of it, knowing he must have had that look again. "What?" he asked grinned though he already knew she had seen him.
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