Name: Crescent City Institute
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petitechou From: [info]petitechou Date: April 17th, 2011 03:24 pm (UTC) (Link)
It was probably some cruel twist of fate that Frankie gave up on revenge at the dance after talking to Apple, probably decding to go home just as Tatum decided to go. They had missed each other probably by minutes and Frankie had wasted no time once she got back to dorms in changing into her pajamas and settling down with a good book.

She was about a quarter of a way through when there was a soft knock at her door. She opened it a crack, and seeing Tatum on the other side she smiled, opening the door fully and beaming at the other girl.

"Wow. You look amazing" she gushed, fingering the lapel of Tatum's blazer.
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: April 17th, 2011 03:38 pm (UTC) (Link)
Tatum laughed instinctively, even though she tried to resist in her sullen mood. Frankie, most times, had that effect on her; something about her, she somehow managed to cheer her up. "Thank you," she replied quietly, grinning at the brunette.

"I clean up pretty good, huh? I went to the dance.. uh, kind of late. You weren't home earlier, so I thought you might have been there," she explained, trailing off a bit, definitely still stoned. "I picked it myself," she beamed, reaching up to pluck at her other lapel.
petitechou From: [info]petitechou Date: April 17th, 2011 06:05 pm (UTC) (Link)
Frankie leaned on the door frame and placed a kiss on Tatum's lips before walking back into the room and burrowing in her bed for her cigarettes. As usual it was unmade and the sheets were tangled with clothes. Succesfull, she sat on the windowsill and plopped her cat on her lap, still grinning over Tatum's outfit.

"I went to the dance earlier" she said, lighting a match and flicking it out of the window. "I wanted to maybe punch Ginger in the face. But I got distracted by Apple and then it just seemed pointless. That boy is like taking a bunch of pills. Impossible to be unhappy after being with him."
porcelinaofvast From: [info]porcelinaofvast Date: April 17th, 2011 06:50 pm (UTC) (Link)
Tatum let herself further into the room as Frankie walked off, stepping out of her sneakers and shutting the door behind her. "I know exactly what you mean," she agreed, nodding as she made her way over to Frankie's unmade bed and sat. "If anybody can make you chill out, it's Apple. Did he smoke you up?" she asked, smiling a little.

"I wish you did punch her in the fucking face though," she added soon after, face a little more stony now. "I wanted to, too.. you'll never guess who went to the dance with her," the redhead confided in a hushed whisper, as if someone might overhear them.
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