Crescent City: OOC -
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mightbeclever From: [info]mightbeclever Date: December 31st, 2010 06:09 am (UTC) (Link)
Hi Hi! I'm EJ, welcome welcome.

I have four kiddies here- Leon Shaw ([Bad username: mightbeclever"]). He's a 12th year Sonnier, the resident asshole, and pretty much the most hated person on campus. He honestly probably doesn't even know who Slone is. XD Because he is an asshole.

Next is Brian Redd ([info]littleredd), a Freshie in Lalaurie. He probably knows her because she's a cheerleader, but wouldn't go out of his way to talk to her. He's scared of people. :| And their germs.

Last is Ginger McAvery ([info]mylollipop), a Junior in Lalaurie. She's also a cheerleader, an airhead, and a spoiled rich girl. She'd def know who Slone was, and depending on things, might make her life a living hell. Or be a BFF for life.
turnonthebright From: [info]turnonthebright Date: January 4th, 2011 10:35 pm (UTC) (Link)
Hi EJ!!

If Slone ever crossed paths with Leon she wouldn't under stand why he's so mean.

Slone would be nice to Brian, but she most likely has no idea who he is.

We'll see how things go with Slone and Ginger :)
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