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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-12-31 23:36:00

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Entry tags:alina vasquez, dinadan palmer, inactive - angie holt, inactive - j'anna j'onnz, inactive - lian harper, inactive - sindella zatara, iris west, npc - mitzi storm, npc - tim drake, plot - "blackest night", plot - "the future is a memory"

New Year's Dead (New Year's Day, Open to reactions)
The information has been coming in from around the world since 1:00 am EST. Each news outlet tells the story in a slightly different fashion, but the facts remain the same: at some time after 12:00am, planes on five continents fell from the sky, cars slammed into each other in traffic and regular people going about their every business simply fell over unconscious for no discernible reason.

"This is Austin Davis for the Daily Planet. The only word that can adequately describe what has happened is "catastrophe". Information is still coming in at this time, but it seems that most of Earth's inhabitants seemed to lose consciouness for exactly two minutes. In that time, planes,c cars and buses crashed, pedestrians were hit where they lay, and the world fell into chaos. Even now, the death toll is nearing the double digits and still climbing.

Stranger still is that the survivors, this reporter included, all report having a lucid dream of some kind during their black-out. Few dreams were alike, but one common thread unites them all; each person spoken to thus far believes they saw a relative or friend or lover who passed away some time ago returning to speak with them and offer advice. Many are shaken and unable to understand the meaning of these visions or why they were given.

The heroic community has leaped into action valiantly, aiding in relief efforts, but many are asking if the heroes knew about it in advance. Moreover, may are asking why America remained unaffected by the blackout. Thus far, no portion of the United States has reported any crashes or loss of life due to the blackout. We will bring you more on this story as it develops.

Austin Davis for the Daily Planet, London." 

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2011-01-01 08:45 pm UTC (link)
Angela wakes up the following day in her hotel room, still shaking off last night's headache and activities. She'd had a lot of fun, but today it was back to work.

She turned on the TV and what she saw confirmed one thing about the New Year.

Work was going to be tough for a long time to come.

"The hits just keep on comin'." she says, starting to dial numbers. Mom was going to want to talk about this and so was dad and maybe Mr. Black as well.

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