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Lilith "Lily" Cassandra Troy ([info]daughteroftroy) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-16 14:47:00

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Entry tags:ash curry, dinah kord, goldstar, inactive - marissa wayne, inactive - troia, inactive -adam hall, npc - mitzi storm, npc team - the pack, pippi peppers, plot - "go east young titan"

Titans Together!
"Hey Adam...wanna go out on a patrol together? It'll be fun."

Boy, was Lily really starting to regret those words right now.

A little nightly patrol on New York City, looking to maybe stop some muggers had take a drastic turn when Lily and Adam happened upon a little villain group called the Pack pulling a heist on a local LuthorCorp Facility.

A few muggers they could have handled? A group of villains with high-tech armor? They were in a little bit over their heads.

Troia went slamming into a wall of crates, and they fell down around her. She climbed out of them, throwing on of them at Coyote, who had sent her into that wall of crates.

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2011-01-16 06:58 pm UTC (link)
The light post hit Dingo, and he went flying off of his feet. He picked up a heavy crate and hurled it at Adam.

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2011-01-16 06:59 pm UTC (link)
Wolf lashed out at Adam with his claws to try and claw at his face.

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2011-01-16 07:00 pm UTC (link)
To make matters worse for Lily, Jackal began firing lasers at the area around her, trying to distract her while Fox tried to bite her.

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2011-01-16 07:01 pm UTC (link)
And Hyena did the same thing that Jackal was doing, only to Adam.

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2011-01-16 07:12 pm UTC (link)
The Bug, carrying the various Titans, hangers on, and Marissa, flew over the skies of New York. With the list they'd found at the previous crime scene, finding the next one had been rather easy.

Or, as someone had once said, "it's not really detective work if you already know the answer."

"Scarab's scanners are picking up... eight people inside. The Pack, probably, and... I don't know yet," Dinah said.

She set the Bug down outside the warehouse and popped the hatch. "Let's get them."

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2011-01-16 07:21 pm UTC (link)
"Oh it's on like Donkey Kong." Riley gives the gang a thumbs up, before flying out the hatch.

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2011-01-16 08:13 pm UTC (link)
"Wh-What?" Ash blinked and wrinkled her nose.

"He is so weird." Then she uses her magic to fly out of the hatch. Time to finish this.

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2011-01-17 12:42 am UTC (link)
I...really, really, really need to get powers again. Mitzi thinks, loading up her BB Gun.

"Ash, it's just a battle cry. Even guys with green hair need them." Mitzi says.

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2011-01-19 10:17 pm UTC (link)
"We should come up with a battle cry!" Pippi offers Mitzi. That said, she goes super-leaping towards the building, heading for the nearest door to see if its unlocked, to try and spare any poor, innocent windows.

Finding it locked this time, she crashes dramatically through the nearest window to save Dinah the trouble.

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2011-01-20 12:52 am UTC (link)
Dinah flew after the others. "We have a battle cry. It's 'Titans Together!'"

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2011-01-20 03:10 am UTC (link)
"Okay, I can work with that! Titans Together!" Mitzi says, loading the BB Gun.

Then, she heads for the nearest door,

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2011-01-22 10:33 pm UTC (link)
"I'm not at Titan. I don't do battle cries," Robin rasped before dropping out of the hatch. Flying wasn't possible, but Bats were pretty great with gliding.

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