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spacerthief ([info]spacerthief) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-24 22:20:00

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Entry tags:inactive - action lad, inactive - aleea strange, inactive - alerron ya, inactive - katima sers, inactive - nightstar, inactive - sher thos, team - darkstars

Space pirates attack! (Darkstars)
She had been with the Blood Wings for a little over a year. A fun crew to run with really. They fought and partied hard. They didn't care that by her terms she was still a kid. But she was starting to hate the Captain. They barely got enough food to eat. They hadn't seen decent pay in a few months and Sher was convinced that the Captain was now clinically insane.

Smuggling themselves onto a Cerberus ship to steal it? Just sounded like a very poorly thought out plan. She had tried to protest but had pretty much gotten cowed into it no matter how hard she tried to fight it. She had been pretty much forced to do it or get spaced. She didn't want to die like that so she was just going to have to hope she could ditch them and get the hell off that other ship.

It took them thirty six hours to go through with the plan. She was helped out by a krogan who had a soft spot for the angry young Thangarian. He slipped her the weapons she loved and they just looked at each other knowing it was show time.

The proximity alarms had gone off.

"Let's rock and roll," the yellow skinned Captain barked pulling out her combat shotgun.

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Re: Urdex and Sher Vs Another Krogan and the Captain
2011-01-29 12:41 am UTC (link)
"You got one way outta this, pal. If you're a member of Clan Tergoth, you and I cannot be forced to fight under our people's rules of honor.

If you're not a member of Clan Tergoth, then think about what you plan to say to the Great Hunter, because you /will/ be meetin' him today." Urdrex growls.

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Re: Urdex and Sher Vs Another Krogan and the Captain
2011-01-29 02:28 am UTC (link)
He cracks a smirk. "You're just a real saint, aren't ya? You're right. Don't care to do this. Sorry Captain, but I honor my clan first."

The Captain was enraged by this. "You're both traitors then. I'll kill her and then kill you, Saul."

Saul looks to Urdex. "I won't fight her. But you can do what you want to the Captain. But the Thangarian's a dumb kid with even dumber luck. I might not fight you, but you won't kill her."

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Re: Urdex and Sher Vs Another Krogan and the Captain
2011-01-29 02:43 am UTC (link)
"Oh please. Like you could kill me? You're.... " She waves a hand.

"Kinda dumb. Who has the adhesive grenades and the gun?" She fires off a shot at her former Captain, not exactly wanting to kill her but hey a fight is a fight.

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Re: Urdex and Sher Vs Another Krogan and the Captain
2011-01-30 08:27 pm UTC (link)
Urdrex smirks. "Funny thing; my boss only has a standin' kill order on one Thanagarian in the whole universe, and that chick ain't it. Lucky her."

He turns his weapon on the Captain and fires, trying to back up Sher.

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Re: Urdex and Sher Vs Another Krogan and the Captain
2011-02-01 12:19 am UTC (link)
"I--" A look of pure hatred crosses the pirate Captain's face. But in the face of so much opposition she throws her weapon down.

"I know when to surrender."

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