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spacerthief ([info]spacerthief) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-24 22:20:00

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Entry tags:inactive - action lad, inactive - aleea strange, inactive - alerron ya, inactive - katima sers, inactive - nightstar, inactive - sher thos, team - darkstars

Space pirates attack! (Darkstars)
She had been with the Blood Wings for a little over a year. A fun crew to run with really. They fought and partied hard. They didn't care that by her terms she was still a kid. But she was starting to hate the Captain. They barely got enough food to eat. They hadn't seen decent pay in a few months and Sher was convinced that the Captain was now clinically insane.

Smuggling themselves onto a Cerberus ship to steal it? Just sounded like a very poorly thought out plan. She had tried to protest but had pretty much gotten cowed into it no matter how hard she tried to fight it. She had been pretty much forced to do it or get spaced. She didn't want to die like that so she was just going to have to hope she could ditch them and get the hell off that other ship.

It took them thirty six hours to go through with the plan. She was helped out by a krogan who had a soft spot for the angry young Thangarian. He slipped her the weapons she loved and they just looked at each other knowing it was show time.

The proximity alarms had gone off.

"Let's rock and roll," the yellow skinned Captain barked pulling out her combat shotgun.

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Re: At the end of the fight....
2011-02-04 04:47 am UTC (link)
She is probably going to get into trouble for this but Sher lights up a cigar.

"The guy with the biggest war ship out here. Or so they say. I always he was you know. A myth. Like the one about giant space whales." She puffs out a ring of smoke.

"Stop bull shitting, Captain. If I'm going to jail I want to know why. I signed on as a thief, not a murderer. I told ya that from the start. I don't kill. I want answers."

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Re: At the end of the fight....
2011-02-04 04:51 am UTC (link)
Alerron watches the young woman light up a cigar and narrows his eyes. He inhales, slightly, and blows out Sher's cigar...

from across the room.

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Re: At the end of the fight....
2011-02-04 07:27 pm UTC (link)
"Pretty sure I've seen space whales," Aleea said, absently.

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Re: At the end of the fight....
2011-02-12 04:46 pm UTC (link)
"Space whales? There are actually space whales?"

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Re: At the end of the fight....
2011-02-12 06:51 pm UTC (link)
"Yes, First Wife. Angels, too. They come Tameran." Yason offers helpfully, smiling at Mar'i.

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Re: At the end of the fight....
2011-02-12 07:24 pm UTC (link)
"But it is true. His name is Cygnus Vail. No one knows his exact race. What we do know is that he controls the pirate fleet out here. Most captains get their best jobs from him, he gets though the biggest share. He also protects several of the worlds that don't have any planetary defenses of their own.... For a price. He ain't happy about Cerberus being out here. He thinks your a liability to the stability he brings to the underground out here. He controls the crime, you all just blow things to hell."

The Captain gives Sher a look. "Knew I shouldn't have hired you. You're not from this sector of space. You don't get how things work. Sometimes you have to kill to keep things running smoothly."

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Re: At the end of the fight....
2011-02-12 07:34 pm UTC (link)
"This Cygnus Vail sounds as though he is little more than a petty crime lord extorting protection money from others." Alerron says.

Alerron walks up to Captain.

"Where do we find this Cygnus Vail? How do you contact him?" Alerron asks.

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Re: At the end of the fight....
2011-02-12 07:41 pm UTC (link)
Alura stifled a grin at the boy-prince and Mari's exchange. Now was not the time to be looking less than fierce.

"Definitely petty," she agreed.

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Re: At the end of the fight....
2011-02-12 07:44 pm UTC (link)
"That's the thing. His ships can do this thing. Where your senses pretty can't pick them up. Just the like, spacial disturbance they leave in their wake," the Captain says with a shake of her head.

"We don't contact him. He contacts us. He has agents that keep an eye on the activity through out the sector."

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Re: At the end of the fight....
2011-02-12 07:52 pm UTC (link)
"Then we look for the disturbance." Her ring should be able to detect something.

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Re: At the end of the fight....
2011-02-12 08:04 pm UTC (link)
"Ohhh." She blinks then raises a hand. "Hey! Can I help?"

When several of the other pirates stare she huffs out loud. "What? I want a piece of this guy. I have rules. I never kill people. I'm a thief and con-artist. Not a murderer. And you guys would have made me kill.... I want to make up for your idiot plans."

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Re: At the end of the fight....
2011-02-27 01:30 am UTC (link)
Alerron looks down at Sher, as he is rather tall. He's not certain he wants to admit her on the ship, but apparently, she helped out.

"We will take a vote. Do we allow this pirate to aid us, or does she go to lock-up as well?" Alerron asks his teammates.

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Re: At the end of the fight....
2011-02-27 01:32 am UTC (link)
"She has already aided us and compromised her own safety. Were we to put her into lock-up, the others would do her harm. I cannot vote for her to be harmed. Stay."

Katima adjusted her staff and nodded.

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Re: At the end of the fight....
2011-02-27 04:07 am UTC (link)
"I... vote stay," Aleea said eventually. "She did take a big risk."

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Re: At the end of the fight....
2011-02-27 06:03 pm UTC (link)
Mar'i narrowed her eyes at Sher. There was still something she didn't trust about her.

"She can stay...for now."

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Re: At the end of the fight....
2011-02-28 12:16 am UTC (link)
"I agree with First Wife. Normally, I do not trust such rabble, but she aided us. Still, we must be very careful." Yason says solemnly, holding Mar'i's hand.

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