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Damien al Ghul/Damien Wilson ([info]headofthedemon) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-29 20:55:00

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Entry tags:inactive - damien wilson, inactive - lian harper, npc - cerdian, npc - roy harper, plot - "blackest night"

Hello My Lover (Lian)
Morgaine, to put it simply, was going to kill him. So would James.

His only advantage would be that his doppelganger would quite likely die first, when they realized that Damien had slipped away from them at some point.

For the first time in his life, Damien Wilson flew on a /commercial/ plane in /coach/. His mother would have a fit over that alone, but this mission was of the utmost importance. He did rented a car under an assumed name at Star City International airport and then drove through the streets to his destination. Damn, he hated American traffic laws. Passing by Outsiders HQ was surreal, knowing that any of them could be on the streets at any time. If they found him, they would probably see fit to kill him for the wounds he'd inflicted months ago.

In a way, today's trip is an attempt to begin the healing of those wounds.

He parks the car six blocks from the apartment address James gave him and uses the time to meditate and center himself. He's going to need to be fast at this to keep from being seen. He must be ready for any opposition between himself and his target.

And he must be ready for his wife's anger, and even her hate.

When night fell, Damien made his way across the rooftops to Lian's apartment building and scouted the area. The lights were off. He couldn't be certain if she was home or not, so he had to risk it.

Minutes later, after successfully getting a window open, Damien sneaks into Lian's home, much the same as she did to his months ago when this entire thing began. Now they were even.
He waits inside for her to return, hoping that she is still well.

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2011-01-30 06:41 am UTC (link)
"Cerdian...Cerdian, please don't do this."

She dropped Damien's hand.

"You were my best friend. I hate myself for what happened to you."


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2011-01-30 06:48 am UTC (link)
"I'm sorry, Lian. There's a fly buzzing in my ear." Cerdian says causally.

He flicks his wrist and Damien is lifted from the floor and thrown /through/ her front door, across the hall, through /that/ wall and then beyond it to the street on the other side.

Then Cerdian uses his ring to levitate the Prius and send it after Damien, leaving him and Lian alone.

"I'm sorry. You were saying something about /hating/ yourself? I want to hear that, because I hate you, too. So it's good that we both think you're a miserable, teasing bitch with no self-respect and loose morals.

Poseidon's Beard, Mother was right about you." Cerdian says, shaking his head.

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2011-01-30 07:03 am UTC (link)

"DAMIEN!" Lian's eyes grew wide in horror as she watched Cerdian throw Damien through her apartment building and onto the street.

"It was my fault," Lian said, "I know that. Goddamnit, Cerdian, I held your dead body in my arms! I got your blood and brain matter on my hands! Do you think I'd just go on living life like nothing happened?!

I can't. I can't just pretend like it isn't my fault.

I'm sorry, Cerdian. I'm sorry I got you into this. And you can't hate me as much as I hate myself."


"We were best friends. Damnit, do you know how hard it was for me to just stand there and watch as my best friend got his brains blown out in front of me on the sidewalk?"


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2011-01-30 07:19 am UTC (link)
"Let me guess. It was harder than sucking it up to come crawling back to me after Matt Donovan ditched you at Homecoming. But then I find you in here about to go to bed with the man responsible for my death and it makes every word out of your mouth a /lie/, Lian, because that's all you ever do! You lie!" Cerdian screams.

"You've been putting other men before me since we were kids, Lian. Tommy Parker, Jeff Saltzman, Bobby Warner, John and Jack Bromer, Matt Donovan and who can forget Eli Tate? And those are just ones I'm /sure/ you nailed.

But good ol' Cerdian was your little puppy dog, wasn't he? He'd follow you anywhere in the hopes you'd spare him a morsel of the attention you lavished on every other guy who treated you like a piece of ass or just wanted a trophy they could show off. You crooked your finger and I came running out of some misguided hope that you'd see that I loved you more than /anyone/.

But I was the /safe/ option and we all know that the Harper family never plays it safe when the option to do something stupid rears its head. Your father has no impulse control and that apple didn't even fall off the tree." Cerdian taunts.

"I couldn't get more than a smile out of you in seventeen years, but that murderous piece of human excrement managed to get you pregnant inside a few months.

How long did it take you drop your pants for him, Lian?" Cerdian asks cruelly.

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2011-01-30 07:31 am UTC (link)
"That's not true! You and I both know that's not true!

We were friends, Cerdian. I didn't...I didn't know how you felt." Tears stung at her eyes. "If I did...then maybe things would have been different.

The comments about her father and Damien, really got her blood boiling.


"Shut up! Just shut up!"

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2011-01-30 07:37 am UTC (link)
And there it was. Her anger called to him like a moth to flame and Cerdian smiles wickedly at Lian.

"The only thing I ever wanted was your heart Lian. Now, I'm gonna take what should have been mine, among other things, a long time ago." Cerdian says, reaching toward Lian.

An invisible force attempts to draw her closer to him, so that he can take her heart.

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2011-01-30 07:42 am UTC (link)

Lian took a step back. "Stay away from me. Stay the hell away!"

She sprinted towards her bedroom, where she had stashed the one crossbow that had not been taken from her.

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2011-01-30 07:47 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, Lian. Run away in the enclosed space from the guy who can tear away the walls. /That/ will save you." Cerdian taunts.

He follows her, walking slowly, because he knows she has nowhere to run.

"How are you going to use your bow when that bowling ball in your midsection is getting in the way?" Cerdian says, heading toward the bedroom.

"Wow, after all the times I tried to get into your bedroom, we finally end up here at the end of your life." Cerdian says.

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2011-01-30 07:52 am UTC (link)

"Stay...stay back."

Lian held up her crossbow, shaking.

"Please...please Cerdian, don't make me do this."


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2011-01-30 08:02 am UTC (link)
"Come on, Lian. Let me put you and those kids out of the misery of life. I'm trying to help you, after all you've done for me. The only real peace I've ever felt, the only thing that stopped the pain you put me through was dying.

Then the pain stopped. The visions, those stopped, too. The pain, the anger, desire to see you suffer...it all stopped when I died.

Do you really want to subject your children to the pain of knowing that their mother is an unabashed whore and their father is a the leader of a clan of murderers? What about knowing their grandfather is an action junkie, their grandmother is genocidal maniac and one of their aunts is a walking plague dog?

Is that the kind of family you want those kids growing up in? Trust me, you're way better off letting me make this quick for all of your sakes." Cerdian tells her.

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2011-01-30 05:14 pm UTC (link)

"You leave them the hell out of this!" Lian's grip on her crossbow became unsteadier. "I understand why you hate me but don't you dare take this out them!"

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2011-01-30 08:11 pm UTC (link)
Cerdian raises his hand and attempts to snatch Lian's crossbow with a wave of invisible force.

"Don't worry, Lian. You'll all be at peace very, very soon." he says.

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2011-01-30 10:52 pm UTC (link)
Lian's crossbow flew out of her hands.


"Stay...stay away from me!"

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2011-01-30 11:27 pm UTC (link)
"It's time, Lian. Just close your eyes and it will be over in a moment." Cerdian says, walking toward her with his hand extended.

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