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Traya Smith ([info]tiny_tornado) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-01-30 21:40:00

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Entry tags:firestorm, inactive - traya smith, npc - jai west, plot - "blackest night"

Memories Come Back to Haunt You
Traya was on monitor duty in the YJLA HQ, her helmet resting on the control console while she paid attention to the various broadcasts.

So much death and destruction in the world lately.  So many heroes who had died.  Superman.  The Blue Beetle.  Metamorpho.  Cait.  Cerdian.  Jai.

It just seemed like the world was heading to hell in a hand basket.  The darkness encroaching in.

But she couldn't believe that.  Couldn't.  They were the heroes.  They always won.  Good would always triumph over evil, so long as they held onto hope.   Just like her dad always told her.  No matter what happened, you kept right on trying until you got it right.

She leaned back and sighed.  No major emergencies that required responding to since Gotham.  Even with whatever was going on in Atlantis.

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2011-02-02 02:55 am UTC (link)
"Aww, babe, don't go! I can make you feel all better." Jai grins with his ruined mouth. Michael forced him out of the Matrix, but he didn't break him.

Jai breezes toward Michael, aiming a speed-enhanced punch at his face.

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2011-02-02 03:15 am UTC (link)
"Oh shi-!"

This is all Michale can get out before he is punched. Jai has a good four inches on Michael and a longer reach, and with the superspeed...

Michaels vision goes red as the fist connects with his face, centered on his left cheek. Michael flies back, landing in an unceremonious way, conscious but hurting.


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2011-02-02 03:22 am UTC (link)
Traya has always been a nice girl. The YJLA would probably have called her the heart of the team. She's always held her own in a fight, but it was her hope and personality that carried her through more than power.

No one had ever thought to ask what happened when she got angry.


The air around Jai whipped into an incredible frenzy, like a billion tiny needles.


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2011-02-02 03:28 am UTC (link)
Not one of the memories the Black Lantern possesses contains an instant of Traya's anger. It was as if she didn't get mad.

Ironically, Jai sees her better now than he did minutes ago.

"What the...hell are you doing...?" he asks, feeling the wind begin to prick, then slash upon his skin. It doesn't hurt so much as surprise him...at first.

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2011-02-02 03:36 am UTC (link)
Michael pulls himself up enough to see what happens when the winds whip up. Seeing an opportunity Michael pulled his hand up and began to agitate the molecules.

"Sorry, Jai."

With that, the agitation increases until the molecule ignite. The air around Jai have now become a literal firestorm.


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2011-02-02 03:41 am UTC (link)
Tray rose up into the air, currents swirling around her like a terrible storm.

"I don't know who you are... but you're not Jai."

She closed a fist, increasing the frenzy of her attack.


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2011-02-02 03:50 am UTC (link)
Jai tries his best to counteract the attack, spinning fast enough to blow the heated air back at Firestorm and Traya. Monitors shatter and burst at the heat and flame, and the computer systems are scorched from the pitch of the battle.

In the end, however, it's a losing cause.

The Black Lantern comes to a stop, burning to a crisp, but not before he speaks one last time.

"Hope you two are...happy...now that I'm...out of...the picturrrrrrre...."

And Jai West is reduced to a pile of ash.

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2011-02-02 03:55 am UTC (link)
"I'm sorry, Traya, but we had to do it."

Michael pulls himself up, feeling like he had been run over by an elephant driving fire truck. He's sure his cheekbone is bruised if not broken. Still, he tried to comfort Traya.

"We have to go and warn the others. Send out an alert. Do we have access to any other facilities?"


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2011-02-02 03:58 am UTC (link)
Traya's breath came in ragged gasps (her wound had all but healed). She set herself down for a moment.

It had to be done. It had to. Whatever that was. It wasn't Jai. But at least it was dead.

"The Hall of Justice," she said, quickly. "It's mostly just a museum these days... but the equipment there still works."


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2011-02-02 04:07 am UTC (link)
"Okay. Lets get going. I made an exit just in case," Michael said, motioning to the hole he made.

"You okay?"


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2011-02-02 04:11 am UTC (link)
She shook her head. "Pretty shook up. But I'll manage."

Her helmet had gotten burned up in the course of all that. Shame really.

She looked up. "Let's go."


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2011-02-02 04:18 am UTC (link)
As soon as the pair leaves, the Black ring glows. The ashes coalesce, reform and restructure themselves, recreating Jai's body as easily as it was destroyed.

He wanted to race after them, to kill them both, but the ring told him that a far better target was out there for him. Jai felt the pull toward her like a magnet.

"Time for little Irey to grow up and die." Jai grins.

Then he turns and speeds off toward home to see his mother and set up an surprise for his kid sister.

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