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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-02-02 00:18:00

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Entry tags:cait curry, dinah kord, inactive - eli coyne, inactive - jarrod hall, inactive - marissa wayne, inactive - steve logan, inactive - troia, inactive - vic dragon, inactive -adam hall, iris west, jayhawk, mourning dove, npc - mitzi storm, pippi peppers, plot - "blackest night", team - teen titans, team - titans east, tyler darnell

Frisco Blues (Titans)
It started as any other morning in San Francisco. The sun came up in the East and people climbed from the beds to start their day.

The Titans in Titans Tower were starting their day. Their new sister team from the East were visiting for a meeting to discuss the current situation. While they were inside making plans, the waters of the Pacific started to churn. Waves kicked up and dark clouds blocked out the light of the sun.

The water quickly pulled back from the shore and things were calm for the briefest of moments. Then a huge tsunami crashed ashore and water flooded the lower half of the city.

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Re: Donna Troy and Terry and Robert Long vs Lily
2011-02-04 01:07 am UTC (link)
Adam lets out a grunt when Lily squeezed his hand. He was starting to regret calming himself down now since that definitely hurt. But he definitely was not going to let it show.

He didn’t know what was going on entirely but it seemed like Mitzi was trying to help and judging by the looks on their faces it probably was better to wait till later to ask about it.

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Re: Donna Troy and Terry and Robert Long vs Lily
2011-02-04 03:27 am UTC (link)
Mitzi continues fighting against the infection, but she can feel her strength fading as it rages back.

/Melissa,like your sister, you are the inheritor of your father's courage. Never let anyone tell you that you are not good. You stand and fight for your friends at risk to yourself. You are stronger that you know, Melissa Storm.

Remember that you and will be powerful, indeed./ Lady Johanna says.

/There is so much I wanted to show you, Melissa, but there is no more time. You need to know now. Open your mind and all will be well./

And Lady Johanna fades from Mitzi's mind's eye.

Adam suddenly sees Lily's wound flare with crimson energy, as the chanting becomes louder, more intense, and Lily feels her wound burn beyond reason before it settles into a dull ache. The wound doesn't close, but for now, the pain will be manageable.

Then Mitzi collapses next to Lily.

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Re: Donna Troy and Terry and Robert Long vs Lily
2011-02-04 02:39 pm UTC (link)
“I could probably give you a piggy back ride and wedding carry her to some place a bit safer,” Adam says to Lily who did look better his hand still hurt a little.

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Re: Donna Troy and Terry and Robert Long vs Lily
2011-02-05 02:35 am UTC (link)
Her wound still hurt, but it was definitely less painful than when she first got the bite.

"I can stand," she said to Adam. "Just take care of her and make sure she's okay, alright?"

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Re: Donna Troy and Terry and Robert Long vs Lily
2011-02-06 09:17 pm UTC (link)
"Ok," Adam says carefully picking of Mitzi.

"You know I can carry you both if you need it," Adam says know she would turn him down, "It wouldn't be any trouble."

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