DC Next Generation

February 2nd, 2013

Super Bowl Party @ 06:46 pm


Cindy was proud of the festivities she'd set up.

The game was projected onto one wall of the huge atrium the party was taking place in, with plenty of comfy seats facing it. It was only polite, after all.

More important was the food. Tables of chips, veggies, wings (with three different types of dressing), muffelettas (it's a New Orleans occasion this year. Thematic), and chili rolls. Cindy was especially proud of the chili rolls; there was one row marked 'Regular' and one row marked 'Queen' The latter row had a stack of pens and informed-consent waivers in front of it.

There was also a small end table full of party favors for everyone. In celebration of commerce, they were $10 gift cards, each for somewhere she thought fitting for the person the card was marked for.

Cindy likes parties.

January 8th, 2013

So Always Have Faith in Me (Bendytimed) @ 06:25 pm


When it was all over, some of the others had been a bit... dismissive. In the best possible sense. Like none of it mattered, since there was a bizarre magical anomaly. But Ruth couldn't think that. She couldn't pretend it hadn't been her. She'd been in there. Her words hadn't been made up of whole cloth by ... whatever that effect was. She couldn't disassociate from it.

All she could say was, "I'm so sorry."

November 11th, 2012

Not-So-Lovey Dovey @ 02:37 am


It had been a beautiful service, of course. It was every week, even though Ruth had always had trouble getting used to going alone. Team Morgenstern did every service together. Here... she couldn't even bring Jay.

She'd turned down joining a covenant group at the church -- again -- because "Oh, you know, between school and work and all, there just isn't enough time." Plus the covenant group met during the time she'd allotted for helping Jay study. Which sometimes seemed to be more than Jay had alotted for studying.

But it had been a beautiful service, of course. A classic sermon, too, the prodigal son story. Her dad had done that one, too. Including reminding the congregation of the fact that the prodigal son's mistakes aren't the point of the story at all. ...It's the older brother who can't get over them. It's the older brother who has to learn that it isn't about keeping score and who screwed up and who didn't and who got the fatted calf party and who never even got that goat he wanted. It's about how families should come together. Including the family of all life in its great interconnected web.

Which is a very important and beautiful message, that she's always tried to make a point of studying carefully. Because she knows herself, and knows its one of the hard ones for her. And so she's trying hard today ... because sometimes people fall. And when they fall, the job is to get them back up on their feet and throw a figurative fatted-calf party because it's so good to have them back up on their feet. Until they fall again. ...and why didn't the older brother ever get his own goat? He followed all the rules.

It had been a beautiful service, but Ruth finds herself scowling coldly as she gets back.

June 3rd, 2012

Into the Dark @ 09:20 pm


The security guard led the Titans into what looked like a conference room. When inside, he removed a cigarette and lit it up.

"First off, thanks for coming. Second, you're not going to like how little I can actually tell you. Before you fly off the handle it's because I literally don't know, not because of confidentiality crap."

May 8th, 2011

May 5th, 2011

Trouble at Berkely @ 02:34 pm


Today was starting like any other day for Maximillian Sivana. The walk from his apartment to class, the looks and mutterings of those who understood the significance of his last name, and the tedium of his classes. Some provided a bit of challenge or interest, but only for a time. As a result of his metahuman ability to retain information, it became obnoxiously simple to pass tests and explain things when called on. Add to that that Max was a prolific reader, he more often than not, knew the entire possible curriculum before the semester was even a quarter of a way through. Unfortunately most people assumed his boredom was due to arrogance. In truth, he knew nearly everything there was to know in his courses and rarely learned anything from the professors that he hadn't already read. The only real joy he got was on the rare occasion he got to debate what he knew with other learned individuals, like that girl he met in The History of Non-Violence. He believed her name was..Ruth? Yeah it was Ruth. Maybe he'd start a conversation, if for no other reason than to do something about the growing boredom he was experiencing.

April 15th, 2011

A Christmas Angel, Baby New Year, a tiny George Washington and a Leprechaun walk into town @ 11:12 pm


In the streets of San Francisco the people of the city went about their normal business just like they did on any other day. Cars moved in the streets along with the trolleys and people moved about on the sidewalks. Four individuals new to the city happily walked down the sidewalk. Each held a small bow and a quicker of arrows and all of them had smiles on their faces.

It was time for the people of San Francisco to feel the love.

They started shooting people with the arrows while not far away Boo and Bugsy watched with anticipation.

April 2nd, 2011

I'd like to subscribe to your news letter ( Open toTeen Titans) @ 07:36 am


Jo Kent is pretty sure her Mom and Dad do not know where she is right now. She doesn't think they'd necessarily be mad at her, but they would ask her the reasoning behind her choice. Dad might even wonder why she was choosing to this instead of trying to join the YJLA on a reserve basis. The reasoning behind it was simply.

If she tried here and failed, then it was because the group didn't see a use for her. If she went to the YJLA, Jo would never be certain that she got in on her own merits and not the fact that her dad and brother led their respective teams.

She noticed how tall the building and wished, once again, that she could fly.

So it was that Supergirl appeared in a red-blue blur outside of Titans' Tower in San Francisco and waited for someone to notice her.


March 27th, 2011

I'm Wide Awake and You're Still My Dream @ 11:00 pm


There was the sudden intake of breath and Cait gasped, expecting water not air. For a second it felt like she was suffocating, but then her body adjusted to breathing air. She coughed a few times and drew in deep breaths. She was alive again.

Cait opened her eyes and blinked a few times. She looked around. None of her surroundings were familiar. At all. It wasn't Atlantis or Titans Tower. Where in Hades was she?

What happened? She remembered Oceanus' attack and the darkness and cold settling over her when he killed her. Then...gods of the sea...the walking nightmare. Attacking Atlantis. Killing so many and watching her father die by having his heart ripped out by his wife.

Ty. Tears formed in her eyes and spilled out at the thought of him as the memories of the walking nightmare came rushing back. Cait had used his love for her against him. By Dis, did she really do all of that? Did she cause so much death and destruction?

Ty. Where was he? She sat up and looked around searching frantically for Ty. Shouldn't he be here? He didn't die. She knew he didn't. She had watched William Hand take over, but it didn't kill him. He had to be alive. Cait reached out to him with her mind.

Ty, my love. Where are you?

February 2nd, 2011

Frisco Blues (Titans) @ 12:18 am


It started as any other morning in San Francisco. The sun came up in the East and people climbed from the beds to start their day.

The Titans in Titans Tower were starting their day. Their new sister team from the East were visiting for a meeting to discuss the current situation. While they were inside making plans, the waters of the Pacific started to churn. Waves kicked up and dark clouds blocked out the light of the sun.

The water quickly pulled back from the shore and things were calm for the briefest of moments. Then a huge tsunami crashed ashore and water flooded the lower half of the city.

December 31st, 2010

New Year's Resolutions (Teen Titans) @ 11:18 am


There's a piece of paper and a pen attached to a bulletin board. Across the top is written:

New Year's Resolutions

Anonymous entries accepted.

December 17th, 2010

Guy Stuff(Rate the Babe) @ 08:22 pm


Mike had talked to Sindella about what the girls had been up to so secretly and may have used telepathy to read her surface thoughts and found out about Rate the Hunk. Sindella had not been very happy about that and made him swear not to ask anything more about that and that he was going to have to do something big to make it up to her.

But he had been given the idea to host a rate the babe event for the guys because that sounded like a ton of fun to him. Since he was done with classes for the semester he drove to metropolis to set things up for the party at his dad’s penthouse there.

He sent out invites to all the teams he knew about that they could come and also made a special note to the teleports to not try directly teleporting inside with the wards his dad had set up

.He then set up the projector for the photos and got enough food and drinks to feed everyone one then some.

September 17th, 2010

(no subject) @ 05:02 pm


The beginning of their first semester at college had been very busy so far, and wasn't letting up any time soon. Ruth cracked open her textbooks on Buddhism and opened up her word processor. Maybe her homework could help her get her mind more on a proper track; she'd been feeling stressed lately.

Well, it was a weird summer; she's got that in her defense.

After a while, she first calls her family because she'd forgotten to make the usual check-in, then calls Jay. "I have typed the word Mahayana so many times, I'm becoming very neurotic about whether I'm spelling it right. Have you got some time?" He wasn't in the middle of anything in his schedule she was aware of, but he might be getting something done himself.

July 7th, 2010

Just Slightly Backdated. @ 04:06 am


It was Their Birthday. There had been several previous occasions of joint celebration, starting, as the story went, when Mrs. Morgenstern and Mrs. Sayers had beds next to each other at the hospital.
Read more... )

July 1st, 2010

Going Home @ 06:42 pm


It had been a surprise for Tim. He'd been sunning himself when time and space itself seemed to bend before a strange little silver and green droid was dropped into his lap. The holographic message that it played was a bigger surprise.

They sent him a device to bring him home. Tim was thrilled. He packed up his room, suited up in uniform, and then set about searching. He wanted to say good bye to all the Titans and Jon before he went so he set about searching for them each...

June 29th, 2010

The Darkheart @ 11:42 pm


(Timebendyed so anyone can be involved)

Jerry had heard that there was suppose to be an amazing meteor shower tonight and the best place to see it was in the Arches National Park in Utah. He had let dad knew he was going to spend the night there which his dad was totally fine with.

After teleporting in with some basic supplies he started looking for a good place to watch it from. Teleporting around the park he saw a mesa that looked like he could get a great view from. He snapped his fingers and appeared in a flash of green at the top of the mesa.

What he saw up there was something that he Jerry Carr had trouble believing. There was a organic looking machine with little robotic drones eating the rocks. And one charged right at him.

Quickly snapping both hands he teleported away and teleported a boulder right on top of the drone crushing it. Jerry let out a sigh of relief until he noticed that the drones were now eating the boulder and forming even more drones.

This was bad and Jerry knew he could not handle this by himself and felt that it would be smart to call in as much help as he could.

Teleporting back to his stuff away from the mesa he grabbed his cell phone and started calling all of the people he knew who were superheroes to get as much help as he could.


June 26th, 2010

(Backdated) @ 10:59 pm


Once the whole mess was finally, completely over, there was time to talk.  There were a lot of things Ruth was feeling uncertain about.

Uncertainty wasn't normally her thing, really.

"Let's find somewhere we can talk?" She asked Jay.

June 20th, 2010

Father's Day @ 01:21 am


What Makes a Dad

God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so,

He called it ... Dad

June 8th, 2010

To the rescue @ 01:55 am


Their heads clearer than they had been before, Iris and her remaining Titans were teleported by Ty in front of Keystone's Golden Ridge Plaza.

"I don't think the Raiderettes have gone anywhere...seeing as we didn't exactly scare them off last time," she said. "But we're ready for them now. We just need to divide and conquer. Get them against each other, and we've got this fight in the bag." She turned to Ruth. "And we'll get back Jayhawk, too."

This required a battle cry to get them in the mood....

"Titans Together!"

Iris sped off in the direction of the mall, to where she heard the giggles of the Raiderettes.

April 3rd, 2010

Unless Provoked. (Simultaneous to Raiderettes attack, before that falls off page.) @ 08:51 pm


The study session had been a success, in Ruth's view.

"Great!" She said as she closed the math books. "You're going to do fine on Tuesday. Now I'd like to point out there's a place in walking distance where one can acquire a cherry-vanilla malt."

March 29th, 2010

It's an emotion, taking me over.... @ 01:20 am


Iris laid on her stomach in her bedroom at home.

She was bored. Her homework was done, there was nothing good on t.v., and almost everyone was busy. If there was one thing that Iris hated, it was being bored. She twisted a strand of hair around her finger, looked out her window, and heaved a sigh.

Why was there never anything to do around here?

The radio, which had been playing an upbeat Taylor Swift song, suddenly cut off in the middle of the chorus.

"Word that the Rainbow Raiderettes have appeared in downtown Keystone City has reached us here at KX293 FM. The Raiderettes are currently making their way through the stores at the Golden Ridge Plaza...shoppers are in a panic...."

Iris didn't need to hear anymore. She hopped up, grinning. Finally, something to DO. Quickly changing into her Impulse costume, Iris zipped out of the house, and down to Golden Ridge Plaza. She didn't think to call Jai or her Dad.

She could take them with one hand behind her back.

She was, after all, the Fastest Girl Alive.

DC Next Generation