DC Next Generation

April 24th, 2013

The Return of Kid Amazo @ 08:58 pm


Cait decided to spend a day or two at the cottage before heading back to San Francisco. She needed a day or two to decompress after spending the past week in Atlantis. Dealing with Arthur was always stressful, this time being no different. Amnesty Bay was the perfect place to decompress and get some peace and quiet.

She walked out of the ocean and pulled the water out of her clothes and hair. She headed for the small cottage at the base of the lighthouse. She opened the door, stepped inside and never saw the blow. Pain spiked at the back of her neck and the world went dark.

"Bring her," a male voice said and a figure stepped out of the shadows. The man next to him picked up Cait's inert body and threw it over a shoulder. The two men left the small cottage.

April 10th, 2013

(no subject) @ 09:11 pm


"Hi," Ruth greeted the expected arrival. "Joey, right? We saw each other at Cindy's party, but we didn't really get to talk." Ruth hadn't been especially inclined, from what she'd heard. "Would you like something to drink?"

January 18th, 2013

Here's Your Number, So I'm Calling You Maybe @ 09:28 pm


Joey stared at his smartphone.

He stared at the number in his other hand.

He stared back at his phone.

He tried to remember the last time he'd actually asked a girl out for a date, rather than hitting on them in some semi or completely seedy place.  And he utterly failed.  In fact, the last "date" he'd had was when GK had asked him.  And he preferred not to think about that, even if GK was a good friend (he didn't have many).

Considering he'd dated actual porn stars, he wasn't sure why he was afraid of calling a girl who just had a name like one.

Joey dialed Sin's number.


January 17th, 2013

An open invitation, with just a couple regulations. @ 06:32 pm


Much as she loves the other places she has homes, especially Chicago now, part of Cindy will always be a California girl. She enjoyed her years at St. Elias's immensely. So, y'know, it's hers.

So here she is, in California. And she's got a quick meeting with another superhuman trust fund brat.

"Joey," she says. "How good to see you."

September 27th, 2012

Patrolling (open) @ 04:18 pm


It had been quite sometime since Sin had gone out as Black Canary. Truth be told, she'd missed it a little. Se enjoyed going out at night and helping those in need.

It was a pretty quite night in Star City, and Sin made her way down to the Triangle. She made her way across the rooftops, looking out for any sign of trouble.

August 30th, 2012

The Happening Homestead (open) @ 09:22 pm


Well, they'd managed to convince their parents (a little less hers, it was high time she moved out anyway, though she was keeping her basement workshop) that their moving in together was a good idea.  The age gap had come up, but they were in love and nothing much was going to stop them even if their parents didn't approve.    Checks had been signed, keys handed over, furniture purchased (Avia wasn't big on throwing around money, but she certainly did have it to throw when she needed it), things packed and later unpacked, the placement of furniture discussed and tweaked...

And they were finally moved in.

And, being finally settled, they were able to throw a housewarming party.  Avia's JLA teammates, Will's JSA teammates, Cindy and the New Guardians, Di and Ri and their Titans friends if they wanted to come... anybody who made their mutual association list.

Ought to be one swinging shindig.

February 14th, 2012

Love Is in the Air (open to all) @ 02:40 pm


Drink to me, only with thine eyes,
And I will pledge with mine ;
Or leave a kiss but in the cup,
And I'll not look for wine.
The thirst, that from the soul doth rise,
Doth ask a drink divine :
But might I of Jove's nectar sup,
I would not change for thine.

I sent thee late a rosy wreath,
Not so much honoring thee,
As giving it a hope, that there
It could not wither'd be.
But thou thereon didst only breathe,
And sent'st it back to me :
Since when it grows, and smells, I swear,
Not of itself, but thee.
Ben Johnson

December 25th, 2011

We Wish You a Merry Christmas (Outsiders) @ 11:06 pm


It was the season of joy and togetherness and this year faces that had been missing last year had returned. It was a time to celebrate and a time to enjoy the company of friends and loved ones. Decorations and lights gave the atmosphere a festive spirit and the Outsiders would come together to celebrate.

September 23rd, 2011

Putting it Together. @ 05:18 pm


GK Walker had a list.

He went out on his Volunteer Work nights with the world's greatest pitcher/markswoman.
His beautiful disaster of a boyfriend had wings and a magic sword.
He once went on half a date with a charming transubstantiator hero brat.
His uncle knew this telepathic gorilla.

Can you say Citywide Vigilante Club, boys and girls?

Zoe was the place to start, of course.

"So," he said as they rendezvoused for the evening. "I have this idea."

May 24th, 2011

Friends and Family (open) @ 10:55 pm


"How did you get this number?"


"No, I don't think that is a good idea."


"There is a reason she didn't tell you.  Your world is no place for me."


"I can't.  Goodbye."

Calypso hung up the cell phone Lian had given her and turned it off.  She didn't want another unexpected call from that man again.  The simple fact that she had met him went against everything she wanted.  She didn't want to meet her father, and she certainly didn't want to be recognized as his daughter.  It wasn't that she hated him or disliked him.  Calypso just wasn't made for that world.  Her world was set to a different tone -- it was darker, dirtier, rougher, and tougher.

After that call, she needed something else to keep her mind at ease.  She went upstairs to the ground floor of the Outsiders compound and started cooking Hamburger Helper.  It was her favorite meal.  Creamy Chicken Noodle was her comfort flavor.

March 25th, 2011

Let's Talk @ 09:31 pm


When Joey had called his mom, first assuring her that he was okay, he'd also had to break the news that his father was alive again.  She'd insisted on flying out right away, bringing Emerald with her to boot.  With her own news that Grandpa Simon was alive again too.  Crazy.  Just plain crazy.

There'd been lots of hugs and all that kind of thing, and even more talking.  He figured his parents would do a little "talking" of their own sometime later.  He planned to be very drunk by then so that the possibility of thinking about it was non-existent.

But then he'd asked to be able to talk to his dad.  Alone.   Mom and Em had made a hasty exit to let them.

March 18th, 2011

The Big Finale @ 09:18 pm


The city of Star City looked deserted. The citizens had either fled or had been turned into black lanterns. At the heart of the city was the entity known as Nekron. Nekron used the city as his base as his black lanterns ravaged the Earth.

The black lanterns increased their numbers each day and the power levels of the black lantern battery increased with each person that died.

Soon Nekron would have enough power to obliterate all life on this planet.

March 17th, 2011

The world's going to hell...but happy birthday, anyway. @ 12:01 am


While Lian wasn't exactly in the mood for celebrating (not that she was throwing a huge party or anything, anyway), she wasn't going to let Joey's birthday go by unnoticed. Besides, she wanted something to take her mind off of things, and this certainly would do it for at least a little while.

While Joey had never told her his birthday, she had ways of finding these things out.

Lian brought Joey a case of beer and a couple of skin mags. She went to go find him so she could give them to him and wish him a happy birthday.

February 28th, 2011

It's a Date (And Hilarity Possibly Ensues) @ 10:34 pm

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Since the Outsiders were one of the few groups out there with a true secret headquarters, bringing GK back there hadn't been an option.  Joey had, instead, opted to meet and pick up his date at the coffee shop where they'd met.  True, going on a date in the middle of a possible zombie invasion wasn't necessarily the best idea, but as far as he was concerned, if they needed more heroes, they'd page.  Whatever was going on now, it was way above his paygrade.

He checked his watch.  He was a little early.  Good.  Drawing a handful of stares, but if the last few days and coming close to dying had taught him anything, it was that life was way to short to even begin to worry about that.

Weird thought.  This was, technically, his first real date in a long while.   Oh, sure, they're been any number of chicks with tattoos and piercings and dye-jobs off to piss off daddy by dating the elemental freak, or the one who'd had a fetish for having melty-stuff on her, and plenty of other fly-by-night girls whose names he could probably not remember....   But this was the first true date, as opposed to a hook-up.

Huh.  Maybe we was growing up after all.

Scary thought.

February 23rd, 2011

Take big bites; it's such a gorgeous sight.... @ 11:46 pm

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GK was out at a great little coffee bar with Jacqueline and Liz from work. He had on his capris and a long jacket, and the girls said he totally made it work. Jacque said he had better legs than she had at his age, and GK had giggled prissily and said his mom said the same thing.

"Careful when you look, but there's a superkid present," Liz says. GK swivvles just a little on his barstool to look without being impolite.

February 15th, 2011

"I was just attacked by zombies." "Really? You too?" @ 01:17 pm


Damien had gone with her to about a couple of blocks away from Outsiders HQ, leaving Lian to make the rest of the way by herself. Lian moved slowly, keeping an eye for any of the things that had attacked her and Damien.

When she got to Outsiders Headquarters, the first thing she noticed when she walked into the building was that it looked like it had seen a beating. A pretty big beating. Also, she had to hold to something to keep from wobbling and falling over.

"Anyone here?" She called out. "Cal? You around?" She normally was.

February 2nd, 2011

The Fifth Element is Death! @ 01:02 am


Stagg Manor

It had been a while since Joey had been home, so to speak.  Not since he'd hooked up with his Outsiders buds.  And he had to admit, Grandpa Simon had definitely been wrong about super-heroes.  It had been a blast fighting the bad guys and saving the day.

He wondered if that meant that Grandpa had been wrong about his dad too.  Then again, why hadn't he called or tried to visit? 

And now it was too late to figure any of it out.

He dropped his bag as he closed the door.

"Hello?  Anybody home?"


January 22nd, 2011

More Bad News @ 06:58 pm


Outsiders HQ

Joey was sitting on the couch (feet up on the table, of course) in the Outsiders' living room, watching TV and drinking a beer.  All together, it had been a pretty good day.  Slept until noon, Baywatch rerun marathon on the tube, fresh jalapeno dip from the fridge, new bag of potato chips, and all the beer he could drink.

His cell phone went off and the caller ID told him it was his mother.  He flipped it open, muting the TV.  "Hey, Mom.  What's up?"

If he still had anything like blood, it probably would have gone cold right then.  "Dead?  You're sure?"

"No, look, Mom, I didn't mean it like..."

"Yeah, okay.  I'll be home soon.  Just hold on until then."

"Love you, too."

He flipped it closed, looked at the beer bottle in his other hand and frowned.  With a grunt, he threw it against the wall, where it shattered.


December 31st, 2010

New Year's Resolutions (Outsiders) @ 11:17 am


There's a piece of paper and a pen attached to a bulletin board. Across the top is written:

New Year's Resolutions

Anonymous entries accepted.

December 23rd, 2010

Jingle Bombs, Jingle Bombs @ 10:02 pm


Robo-Santa had escaped control of the rogue government agency that had created him with a ton of weapons and his naughty meter that could detect who had been naughty or nice.

Flying on his sleigh lead by robo-reindeer he drops Molotov-Eggnog on down on to Star City as he falls the Naughty meter to the Outsiders headquarters.

Blowing open the main doors to the building he cries out, "Ho Ho Ho. You have all been very naughty."

December 17th, 2010

Guy Stuff(Rate the Babe) @ 08:22 pm


Mike had talked to Sindella about what the girls had been up to so secretly and may have used telepathy to read her surface thoughts and found out about Rate the Hunk. Sindella had not been very happy about that and made him swear not to ask anything more about that and that he was going to have to do something big to make it up to her.

But he had been given the idea to host a rate the babe event for the guys because that sounded like a ton of fun to him. Since he was done with classes for the semester he drove to metropolis to set things up for the party at his dad’s penthouse there.

He sent out invites to all the teams he knew about that they could come and also made a special note to the teleports to not try directly teleporting inside with the wards his dad had set up

.He then set up the projector for the photos and got enough food and drinks to feed everyone one then some.

December 4th, 2010

The Final Act @ 07:54 pm


"Well, well, well... Brion Markov, you have a bastard daughter. Who would have guessed, right?"

Frederick chuckled as he paced back and forth. Behind the plate glass window, locked in a shuttle, were Calypso and Brion Markov. Frederick took the time out of his day to mock them from the control center. He had figured out the relation between the two heroes some time ago, and it was a point of pride for Frderick that Brion hadn't known until just that moment.

"And now that the two of you are helpless, I'm going to make sure you really leave this world. My mother was the one that gave Geo-Force his powers, Brion. I know exactly how to kill you, and your daughter. Oh, how I anticipate your dying words. What kind of touching moment will it be?"

He cut off the transmission for the moment and cackled. Then he checked in his new motley crew of Geo-Force mock-ups.


November 22nd, 2010

After all is said and done....(open to Outsiders) @ 02:27 am


Takes place before Calypso leaves.

Lian surveyed the damage done to the Outsiders' base. While the place wasn't exactly in ruins, it didn't look like her apartment after she'd torn it apart looking for something she'd misplaced, either. Shards of broken glass here, a burnt table there.

She sighed. It was all replaceable. She could make a couple of calls and get everything fixed.

But she couldn't stay. She'd made a huge mistake, in going off undercover in the League on her own, without telling anyone. Yes, the team knew that she had been undercover, her and Tim made pretty damn sure to fill them in on that little detail when they briefed them on the League, but they didn't know the whole story. About her and Damien.

It was her fault that this had happened. Her fault that the League attacked.

Her fault that her best friend was dead.

She couldn't allow herself to put her teammates at risk like that again. She'd gather her things, make sure that arrangements for repairs were made, and then she'd leave, and they'd never have to see her again.

November 21st, 2010

Anarchy @ 11:49 pm


"Coming to you live from the capitol city of Markovia is Darlene Johnson, of Channel 13 News. The deaths of Iona Markov, the Queen of Markovia, and her son, Gregor Jr., crowned prince of Markovia, has put the country in a state of anarchy.

"It appears that a group of men dressed like the hero Geo-Force have been patrolling the streets, causing more chaos and killing many people.

"And who is the one responsible for all of this chaos? Brion Markov, ex-Regent of Markovia. He was captured earlier, but has since escaped and his whereabouts are unknown at present.

"This is Darlene Johns- AAAAAAAHHHH!!!"

The TV screen went black and white with fuzz, and then switched to the anchors sitting in their seats, in shock with fear at the last image shown on the screen; a stream of lava dousing Darlene and the camera crew.

November 20th, 2010

There will be blood @ 12:23 pm


It was going to be a dark day in Star City.

Or at least, it was going to be a dark day for those that dared to tangle with the League of Assassins.

The plan was set in motion, and the League was on the move.

They each had their mission. Vesper had already done his part and freed Bane from where they had been holding him. The guards at the Super-Max were currently keeping their hands full with a full-prison riot. It had been discovered that Slade Wilson was no longer at the prison, having been broken out by a team of individuals sometime previous, though that was neither here nor there.

Getting a location for where Red Robin and his allies would be was difficult, but the Informant wasn't just your everyday run-of-the-mill hacker, she was one of the best.

And now, Morgaine, along with her brother's decoy and the rest of the League, were in a helicopter headed straight towards Outsider's headquarters.

"The plan is simple," Morgaine said, briefing her team for a final time before they began their attack. "While the Demon's Head has instructed us to kill anyone that stands in our way, we are merely providing a distraction while he rescues his Lady from her imprisonment. Do not hesitate do deliver a killing strike, but wiping out the entire team is not required of us at this time. We will keep them busy until the Demon's Head informs us that he has Lian, and then we will make our getaway.


A chorus of yeses arose from the team, and Morgaine nodded. "Excellent. We will be approaching the target shortly."

When the helicopter was in within range of the Outsiders headquarters, a rocket was fired at one of the windows. Not one to bring the entire place to the ground, but it would definitely set the alarms off, at the very least.

The team reached the drop off point, and the League of Assassins came in through the blown-out window. Morgaine pulled out both of her swords, a bloodthirsty grin crossing her face.


October 30th, 2010

Open to Outsiders @ 10:05 pm


Calypso was back in her domain, the sub-basement of the Outsiders HQ. The Titans of Myth were defeated and she could take a break from the frustrations of the entire incident. After a period of rest, she ventured into the kitchen on the main floor and started making Hamburger Helper for lunch.


September 25th, 2010

Helios @ 09:45 pm


Near Logan International Airport there were a number of industrial areas. Warehouses and manufacturing plants were scattered through out the area and closing in on a manufacturing planted owned by LexCorp was Helios, Titan and once worshiped as the sun god. Until Zeus and his Olympians usurped the Titans and cast them into Hades.

Helios pulled upon his fiery powers and engulfed the plant in flames.

August 20th, 2010

Settling in (open to Outsiders) @ 11:57 pm


Lian had called in a favor to Uncle Ollie after her and the others had driven off her mother. Since she HAD saved his life (and the lives of his board members), not to mention that she may have dropped that she was starting a team and needed someplace for them to meet that WASN'T a rooftop, Ollie had given the Outsiders an old warehouse that he was no longer using for Queen Industries. Not to mention that she'd called a couple favors in with her "aunts and uncles".

So in other words- the Outsiders had one TRICKED OUT HQ.

Uncle Vic supplied the security system. Which meant that no one could really break in without them knowing...and without feeling really stupid about even THINKING to break in.

Dad had called in a couple of favors with the JLA and gotten them a fully stocked workout room, capable of catering to the team's various needs.

Uncle Ollie provided the means to refurbish the warehouse to include a kitchen, lounge (complete with a nice home theater system), and bedrooms in case anyone needed to crash overnight. While she didn't expect anyone to move in, as several of them (including her) had lives outside of the team, they at least had a place to stay if they needed it.

Lian wasn't wearing her costume. She'd told the team who she was. Her mask wasn't needed here. She'd commed them earlier and told them that the new headquarters was all set and the Outsiders were go.

Lian poured herself a glass of water and made her way into the lounge area.

June 29th, 2010

The Darkheart @ 11:42 pm


(Timebendyed so anyone can be involved)

Jerry had heard that there was suppose to be an amazing meteor shower tonight and the best place to see it was in the Arches National Park in Utah. He had let dad knew he was going to spend the night there which his dad was totally fine with.

After teleporting in with some basic supplies he started looking for a good place to watch it from. Teleporting around the park he saw a mesa that looked like he could get a great view from. He snapped his fingers and appeared in a flash of green at the top of the mesa.

What he saw up there was something that he Jerry Carr had trouble believing. There was a organic looking machine with little robotic drones eating the rocks. And one charged right at him.

Quickly snapping both hands he teleported away and teleported a boulder right on top of the drone crushing it. Jerry let out a sigh of relief until he noticed that the drones were now eating the boulder and forming even more drones.

This was bad and Jerry knew he could not handle this by himself and felt that it would be smart to call in as much help as he could.

Teleporting back to his stuff away from the mesa he grabbed his cell phone and started calling all of the people he knew who were superheroes to get as much help as he could.


June 22nd, 2010

Go time @ 04:49 pm


bendytimed to the night after Cheshire fled Gotham

Lian, J'anna, and Calypso were at Queen Industries on stakeout. Or rather, on the rooftop across from Queen Industries, that is. Lian pulled out her night-vision goggles, as they waited for Red Robin to meet up with them. Lian had alerted him earlier on the comms that they were going on stakeout tonight.

She'd gotten in some more information about who they were looking for. From what she could gather, they were based from out of Gotham City, or somewhere near that area. Also, from what she'd picked up, they had added someone else to their roster. Someone who's methods were more...lethal than the rest of the group's. Lian had a sinking feeling of it could possibly be, but that was a big, fat, if. After all...she was dead, right?

"He should be here soon," Lian said, her eyes still focused on the building's windows as she looked for any unusual activity. "Keep an eye out. Then, we'll take it from there."

June 20th, 2010

Father's Day @ 01:21 am


What Makes a Dad

God took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle's flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so,

He called it ... Dad

June 2nd, 2010

In Gotham City @ 09:07 am


Cheshire, one of the world's deadliest assassins, made her way over the rooftops of Gotham City, silently and swiftly, to the Gotham branch of Queen Industries. The assassin had not been seen for quite sometime, which according to the man that had hired, had made her perfect for the job.

Cheshire had been assigned to take out William Connors, an associate and member of Oliver Queen's executive board. She'd take him out quickly, and then move on to her other targets. Her contact was paying her a lot of money to get this done.

When she arrived at her destination, Cheshire began to make her way towards the head office, disposing of any security guards that got in her way, keeping to the shadows.

But in Gotham City, someone is always watching for anything out of the ordinary....

May 9th, 2010

DC Next Generation