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Jo Kent/Supergirl ([info]maidofmight) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-04-02 07:36:00

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Entry tags:inactive - vic dragon, iris west, jayhawk, mourning dove, npc - jo kent, team - teen titans

I'd like to subscribe to your news letter ( Open toTeen Titans)
Jo Kent is pretty sure her Mom and Dad do not know where she is right now. She doesn't think they'd necessarily be mad at her, but they would ask her the reasoning behind her choice. Dad might even wonder why she was choosing to this instead of trying to join the YJLA on a reserve basis. The reasoning behind it was simply.

If she tried here and failed, then it was because the group didn't see a use for her. If she went to the YJLA, Jo would never be certain that she got in on her own merits and not the fact that her dad and brother led their respective teams.

She noticed how tall the building and wished, once again, that she could fly.

So it was that Supergirl appeared in a red-blue blur outside of Titans' Tower in San Francisco and waited for someone to notice her.

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2011-04-03 03:09 am UTC (link)
"They're very handy," Ruth says.

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2011-04-03 03:11 am UTC (link)
"I...could have a room here? Like to stay in? Wow, that would be awesome. I'd like that. Granted, my Mom would flip if I tried moving out, and I don't want to leave her alone, but I'd stay and hang out at times." Jo says.

"How can I help with the renovations?" she asks.

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2011-04-03 04:30 pm UTC (link)
"We are currently working on repairing a couple of the more damaged wall and installing new windows," Vic said having walked in a little earlier., "There's some other things that require more expertise that I don't have and I'm sure someone could fill you in on if you want.

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