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masterofmatter ([info]masterofmatter) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-07 19:41:00

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Entry tags:firestorm, inactive - traya smith, npc - jai west, plot - "blackest night"

Making the Calls
It has to be done. It has to. If this crap continues on, it won't be good for any of them. Not just for Jai, who has to be going through issues. Not just for Traya, who he had been avoiding ever since he confessed there may be more than just friendship. And not just for him. So he finds a place that is open but deserted. The Ivy University Architecture and Engineering Study Rooms, on the first floor.

After holding his phone for several minutes, he begins to type out a message.

I hate doing this over text, but this needs to get resolved. Meet me in the Ivy U Arch&Engin stufy rooms 1st floor.

Then he scrolled down to the J's, casually noting the lack of names. In fact, Jai was the only one and he put it in on a whim. He didn't even know if it was a current number not. Then he clicked the box and scrolled down to the T's and clicked on Traya.

And away the messages go. Michael hopes this won't be a big mistake. He really does.

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2011-06-08 01:23 am UTC (link)
She's no Flash, but Traya's fast enough, showing up only a few minutes later.

She stopped when she saw who else was here. Great. The two people she least wanted to see right now. (Didn't she? Did she still...?)

"Oh," she said, quietly.

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2011-06-08 01:26 am UTC (link)
Jai looks at Traya, then at Michael with an "I should have known" expression on his face.

"Really, Michael? You called me here to ambush me?" he asks, a little irritated.

He doesn't look at Traya right now, because he's not sure what he'll do if he does. Chances are, he'll end up running right out of the room again.

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2011-06-08 01:55 am UTC (link)
"No, Jai, I didn't I came here to offer something. You saw something when you attacked me. You saw the Matrix. Do you know what I can do with the Matrix? We could use my normal powers, but we'd also be privy to one anothers thoughts."

Michael has to speak quick.

"If you want to see what I was thinking that night, all you'd have to do was ask and I'd bring you in. Both of you. It would be 100% honest. You'd see what it was like from our ends."

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2011-06-08 02:00 am UTC (link)
"...Have those head flames been baking your brain, Michael?" Traya snapped, harsher than she intended. She hadn't realized how much seeing Jai would hurt...

She can't even look at him.

Outside, the winds began to pick up.

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2011-06-08 02:08 am UTC (link)
"Wait, what?" Jai asks, remembering what happened inside the Matrix. There had been someone else in there, too.

"Okay, I'm with Traya on this one. Dude, there is another person in there with you. I'm all for teams, but this is really breaking my brain here." Jai tells them.

"Besides, I'm not really sure I want the gory details of everything." Jai says. "If you two need this to figure things out, I don't think I need to be here."

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2011-06-08 02:12 am UTC (link)
Well, this wasn't going well.

"Yes, there was some. Ronald Raymond, better known as Ronnie. he's been retired, working as a PE teacher in Illinois, like spicy food but has a weak stomach. I know these things because of the bond."

Michaels face falls at the idea of them just walking out.

"Look, whats happened here, it isn't right, and I don't think just going to counseling or some shit like that will help. Just the Truth, pure and unadulterated, shared between us."

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2011-06-08 02:21 am UTC (link)
"Pretty sure you shared more than enough already, Michael," Traya said, quietly.

She looked down, and her look up, her look at Jai, is timed perfectly a howl of wind outside. "There's nothing to figure out. I told you that. There never was."

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2011-06-08 02:28 am UTC (link)
"Look, I've been catching hell over this whole...thing for a couple of weeks now. Certain people won't leave me alone about things and it's really messing with my life." Jai says, the agitation clear in his voice.

"I just want this whole thing to be over, all right? So, fine. Let's do this. We go into this thing, figure out what's what, and then we leave each other alone.

How does that sound?" Jai asks.

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2011-06-08 02:32 am UTC (link)
Oh FINALLY! Michael nods. he doesn't know what Hell Jai has been catching, but he has been through a lot so if he wants to get this done than so be it.

"You in, Traya? It won't be more than a minute or so."

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2011-06-08 02:33 am UTC (link)
Traya crossed her arms. This, she really didn't need.

"Fine," she said after a long, long moment. "Let's get it over with."

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2011-06-09 12:47 am UTC (link)
"How do we do this? Join hands and think happy thoughts?" Jai asks.

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2011-06-09 03:13 am UTC (link)
"Not quite as hippy-ish, but similar..."

Well, Michael didn't really know how exactly. Ronnie told him about adding people into the Matrix. So Michael put his hands onto both of their shoulders, then let the Matrix assert itself, with Michael giving the expressed command to Add In Jai and Traya.

For the two not familiar with the process, it feels like the molecules of their bodies become heavy and plastic, then they feel they are being drawn into it...

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