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masterofmatter ([info]masterofmatter) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-06-07 19:41:00

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Entry tags:firestorm, inactive - traya smith, npc - jai west, plot - "blackest night"

Making the Calls
It has to be done. It has to. If this crap continues on, it won't be good for any of them. Not just for Jai, who has to be going through issues. Not just for Traya, who he had been avoiding ever since he confessed there may be more than just friendship. And not just for him. So he finds a place that is open but deserted. The Ivy University Architecture and Engineering Study Rooms, on the first floor.

After holding his phone for several minutes, he begins to type out a message.

I hate doing this over text, but this needs to get resolved. Meet me in the Ivy U Arch&Engin stufy rooms 1st floor.

Then he scrolled down to the J's, casually noting the lack of names. In fact, Jai was the only one and he put it in on a whim. He didn't even know if it was a current number not. Then he clicked the box and scrolled down to the T's and clicked on Traya.

And away the messages go. Michael hopes this won't be a big mistake. He really does.

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Re: Down Mexico Way...
2011-06-27 10:36 pm UTC (link)
Another giggle. "Oh yeah, she is."

She nods. "They had other Disney stuff too. I got a Lego pirate ship from the new movie."

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