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Tess Holt ([info]fairplay) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-09-22 14:47:00

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Entry tags:dr fate, jacob rothstein, steven garrick, tess holt

Another Day at the Brownstone.
"Okay, people!" Tess claps her hands together slightly. "Today's for estimation of various kinds. Shazam. Jacob. I need each you to stand under those things over there and hold the 'roof' up as the pressure builds. Tell me how easy or hard it gets to be, and definitely tell me before it gets dangerous. Flash, please monitor the equipment like I showed you earlier. Wildcat, you and I are going to talk reflex work in a minute. Fate, take off the helmet, please. I want to talk to Just Mark."

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2011-09-23 06:43 am UTC (link)
And the moment Tess is finished with other conversation -- "Heads up!" And a small handweight comes flying at Cat.

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2011-09-23 01:15 pm UTC (link)
Cat's reflexed are good, catching the weight before it can go by her. "Good toss," she said.

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2011-09-23 07:35 pm UTC (link)
"Nice catch!" she replies. "So tell me, Cat. What would you most like to work on?"

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2011-09-24 12:18 am UTC (link)
"Me?" Cat asked, maybe just a little surprised. "I wanna see how you got out of that half-nelson the last time we was sparrin'."

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2011-09-24 01:48 am UTC (link)
"On it, then." Suddenly, Tess will proceed to do her very best to put Cat into a half-nelson.

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2011-09-24 11:05 pm UTC (link)
Tess was one of the few non-metahumans Cat figured might have a chance of taking her in a fight. And some days, she'd give even better odds to the younger woman.

"Okay," Cat grunted, "ya got me... Now what's yer trick for gettin' out?"

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2011-09-24 11:10 pm UTC (link)
"First thing you need to do is resist the urge to look at me at all while you're dealing with me and instead turn to look at your 2 o'clock. ...This does coincidentally put you looking at Steven's excellent backside, but I'll excuse it for now."

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2011-09-24 11:58 pm UTC (link)
"Well, it is a nice, keister, I have to admit," Cat laughed, "and I do appreciate the eye candy, but I am quite happy with Mark, you know."

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2011-09-25 02:12 am UTC (link)
"I do, and well you should be. Now, the key is to make sure you keep looking at your 2 instead of at me as your left arm comes up to expert pressure on my forearm."

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2011-09-25 03:36 pm UTC (link)
Cat followed the directions. "Okay, I think I got this..."

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