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Tess Holt ([info]fairplay) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2011-09-22 14:47:00

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Entry tags:dr fate, jacob rothstein, steven garrick, tess holt

Another Day at the Brownstone.
"Okay, people!" Tess claps her hands together slightly. "Today's for estimation of various kinds. Shazam. Jacob. I need each you to stand under those things over there and hold the 'roof' up as the pressure builds. Tell me how easy or hard it gets to be, and definitely tell me before it gets dangerous. Flash, please monitor the equipment like I showed you earlier. Wildcat, you and I are going to talk reflex work in a minute. Fate, take off the helmet, please. I want to talk to Just Mark."

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2011-09-24 04:27 am UTC (link)
"Wouldn't expect any less from anybody who got a knack from Atlas."

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2011-09-24 04:43 am UTC (link)
Will is going to blush a bit. He should be used to it. Having someone compliment him was going to make Will blush, and a pretty girl is going to make sure to make him blush.

Still, she has nothing on Avia.

Will pushes up, and even as he feels the weight of the "roof" increasing he stands firm, although there is a shift in his body position that would tell Tess that Atlas strength is being brought to bear.

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2011-09-24 04:45 am UTC (link)
Tess would never dream of trying to displace Avia in Will's affections -- or hormones -- even if she hadn't started dating Steven.

And she's taking in everything he's doing with even more intent observation than she gives the data feeds.

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