DC Next Generation

Getting back to normal.. whatever normal is. @ 10:09 am


After his time alone with Josh, Avalon has been feeling much more centered. It is a shame that Henry is so absent, but Avalon knows why and he doesn't hold it against his partner.. after all Henry put a lot on the table and now he was giving the three of Josh, Katima and Avalon enough time to process everything.

Life still had to go on though, and a couple days after the Talk, Avalon is up early doing his morning sun ritual stuff. Only this morning, it's extra wonderful for him. He appreciates Earth's sun all the more now, especially since he almost lost it.

After finishing his ritual, Avalon is in the kitchen, puttering around when Hal Jordan finds him. Mr. Jordan didn't have a lot to say, but he passed off to Avalon the paperwork that the JLA had gotten together for the three teens. They were going to be going to school on Monday.

The news is very daunting to Avalon, and he goes to find Josh, a nervous wreck. He makes his way back upstairs, and then slips into the room that he has taken to sharing with the other boy. "Hey.. Josh.." he says softly before he slides onto the bed and curls up next to Josh on top of the covers. Avalon is actually so worried that he's shivering!

Brand Old Day (Open) @ 10:17 am

Current Mood: excited

 Scott West looked from the rooftop in his gold and silver bodysuit, his red hair moving slightly with the breeze, his goggles on tight. His little robotic drone Scooter hovered near him, with his two hover plates ready to deploy for emergency retreats for himself and Scott.

"Look at it Scooter. This city, Keystone City, 500 years before I will be a twinkle in Mom's eye. Before Mom will be a twinkle in anyone's eye. Traversing time and hypertime fragments to come here. And thus our quest begins!"

"Sir... why are you telling me this? I came here with you with the same chronoporter circuit. It's just our luck they both burnt out."

"Scooter, it's not my fault that I used the wrong isotope of yttrium for the circuit. And how would I know that it would react poorly with the valorium mesh of the suit?"

"Basic chemistry, sir?"

Scott made a sour face at the drone. "Cheeky robot. I'd turn down your sarcasmeter if it didn't make you so good at banter."

"Thank you sir. I will take that as a compliment." Scott smiled. He was happy he took Scooter along, give himself a friend. He was always good at making friends, even if he meant it literally. A mental impulse to his suit and the jet boots turn on, lifting him on compressed air alone.

"Well Scooter, let's patrol. The Flashes can't have all the fun, right?"

"Right, sir!" At that, the two fly over the rooftops, making sure that the city sees it's new metallic guardians. I mean, why wear a golden tech suit if no one will see it?


She's Like The Wind @ 08:36 pm


Jai West is four minutes early, but doesn't know if Traya will consider that late. He's inherited his father's and great uncle's ability to be late, even though he's The Fastest Boy Alive.

His face is healed from the attack he suffered from an alien gorilla earlier this week. The rest of the team is okay, although it was strange to be kidnapped as part of a plot to bring Henry and Katima together (don't even get him started on that). He hopes that Henry and Katima have something real, but he's sure that's not going to tie itself up nice and pretty for everyone involved.

He's wearing some of the new clothes that Iris helped him pick out: black shirt, blue jeans and black boots as he waits for her to arrive at the mall. Jai's even decided to come to Traya's town to keep nosy little sisters (re: Iris) from tagging along for updates. 

He takes a deep breath and resists the urge to run home and change for the third time.


DC Next Generation