DC Next Generation

Game On @ 08:07 am


Two days after her recruitment mission, Angela Holt sits inside a warehouse bunker in Star City. She pores over the maps of the Super-Max prison intently as she waits for the others to arrive. The warehouse was decent for tonight's purposes, but they needed a much better, much more secure facility. Belle Reve was an option, but that was too close to St. Roch and Angela didn't want to take the chance of going there and reopening old wounds.

When everyone arrives, Angela looks up and nods to each of them in turn.

"Thank you for coming. If you're ready to get down to work, we can get started." she says.

Mission Briefing @ 07:19 pm


She didn't sleep, not in the conventional sense.  But her brain, along with a small handful of internal organs heavily guarded within her doll-like body, was still human and still required some measure of rest.  So one of the systems programmed into her body enabled her to shut herself down for brief periods, allowing her brain to refresh and dream.

In her dreams, she still remembered colors, vividly, not the tv-toned colors she saw now.  She smelled flowers, felt the wind upon her skin.  She held her children, kissed her husband.

In her dreams, she was still a woman.

An automated system woke her from her sleep.


She rose from her recharge cubicle, pulling loose the power cord from the back of her neck, just under her plasticy, doll-like hair.  She dressed quickly into her green and white uniform, heading towards the briefing room.

In the short months since they had formed the Doom Patrol, she had seen numerous strange things, but some of which she would even get used to.  She had gotten used to--on some level--the power of her body.  But she would never get used to the "code-names" the Project had saddled the three of them with.  Caulder never used them, instead referring to the three of them by their real names, even though he preferred that they call him "Chief", as they typically used their names with each other. 

It might not have been much of a life right now, but it was hers. 

It beat going insane.

She stepped into the briefing room to find the Chief already waiting for them.


Certainly unexpected @ 11:29 pm


To say that Lian's flight to Star City had been unpleasant was a bit of an understatement. No, there wasn't any turbulence or natural disasters that made the flight unpleasant, but the fact that she had to run to the bathroom more than she bargained on or the that she felt that her stomach was going to turn inside out that made it awful for her.

And Lian didn't get airsick. Ever.

When she arrived at her hotel, Lian was so tired, she collapsed right into bed.

Only to wake up the next morning to sprint into the bathroom to throw up.
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DC Next Generation