DC Next Generation

A Night's Work (open) @ 09:42 pm


Maria had gone undercover before to get dirt on some crimelord she was trying to bring down, but never like this. The Diamond Room was one of more upscale strip clubs in Gotham and it just happened to be owned by Carmine Gambino, one of the big mob bosses in Gotham. The Gambino crime family was a major player in the drug trade into Gotham and Huntress was going to bring them down.

Of course that meant proof and part of that proof that she needed was in the office in the back. She needed a way in and what better way to get into a strip club than as a stripper. Maria had applied and auditioned to be dancer a month and a half ago. On top of her day job at Wayne Industries and her night job as Huntress, she was Candy Star at the Diamond Room.

Maria worked six nights of each week as a stripper, watching and waiting to make her move. Candy Star quickly became a favorite of the customers and the favorite dancer of Tony "The Nose" Bucco, one of Carmine Gambino's lieutenants.

She watched and learned everything she could. She learned where Sal kept the important information and how to get to it. She made note of who came into the club and who had business with Gambino. Now it was time to make her move and get what she came here for. Tonight after the club was closed the Huntress would be paying a call.

Maria looked in the mirror and put on the green mask that Candy Star wore. She had insisted on the mask because she didn’t need anyone from Wayne Industries recognizing her and if it had been purple other costumes would recognize her. The whole purpose of being undercover was to not get recognized.

She heard the music start and she headed for the stage.

Introductions @ 11:44 pm


GK was nervous. They had of brushed against the subject before, but now...well, he didn't want to wait anymore. "So, Eli.... are you okay with getting lunch with Zoe?"

DC Next Generation