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Bobblehead ([info]bobblehead) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2012-10-19 18:57:00

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Entry tags:pippi peppers, thomas kyle

Gotham Fashion Week
Gotham wasn't quite New York or Paris, but its yearly high fashion show was one of the rising stars of the industry, recent and small enough that a lot of independent designers were there, big enough to start getting some of the names. Definitely big enough to draw Pippi's attention. She had her mom's handler arrange everything for her for all the events, her hotel, transport while there and so on, along with a chance to survey the town a little. She's heard all sorts of interesting things about the city - but mostly that no one there likes clowns. The circus even has to not use its clowns when they go through... she figures that's probably why everyone is so gloomy there.

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2012-10-22 11:30 pm UTC (link)
There's a weird effect going on - which might even be vaguely observable, to the especially aware.

Despite all attempts to cause random chaos, unless someone is specifically being targeted, no one is getting hurt. People randomly stumble out exits through the smoke, thrown objects miss, explosions go off just right to not catch any bystanders. Its probably the safest Jokerz attack in history.

Which doesn't help anyone they're particularly aiming at - just all the random chance odds.

Pippi is smacked with the chicken, and goes staggering back, landing hard as a bowling pin follows it up.

The indigo jewel shields her from the worst, but she's still left rubbing her head.

Thinking quickly, for her, or out of habit, Pippi goes diving for the closet where everyone's larger bags are being stored.

"Alright, you clowns! You have ten seconds to start being funny, or else!"

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2012-10-23 12:24 am UTC (link)
Thomas does notice, mostly because trained by the World's Greatest Detectiveâ„¢ and experience with Jokerz attacks makes him all the more alert when luck seems to be, oddly enough, on their side.

While Pippi goes closet diving, Thomas works on taking out as many of the motorcycle Jokerz as he can to let people escape. Though he does take note of them ganging up on her and slips through the somewhat panicking crowd to go help.

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2012-10-23 12:47 am UTC (link)
The two clowns going after Pippi share a confused glance then slowly advance towards the closet, bowling pins and rubber chickens ready.

"Knock, Knock."

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2012-10-23 01:18 am UTC (link)
Pippi starts going through the things here. Lots of useful stuff at a fashion expo, but not what she had in mind.

"Who's there?... and this had better be funny." she calls out. "Because I know two things you don't know."

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2012-10-23 01:24 am UTC (link)
The Jokerz snicker at each other and stop. The one with the ugly stockings rolls what looks like a giant gumball towards the closet door.


Neither notice the Robin closing in on them.

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2012-10-23 02:11 am UTC (link)
"Ka who?" comes the call from inside, as she finds what she's looking for, perhaps just in time. At least they're telling jokes now.

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2012-10-23 02:18 am UTC (link)

The gumball goes off and the Jokerz burst into insane laughter amid the extra smoke while most of the rest at the venue stop and turn to stare at what's happening.

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2012-10-23 02:43 am UTC (link)
There's a loud ka-boom as the closet shatters, and for a few seconds, there's silence.

From up above, where the jewel suggested she leap to, comes the blonde's voice.
"That. Wasn't. Funny. Now let my try. How many evil clowns can you fit in a clown car?"

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2012-10-23 02:49 am UTC (link)
Robin was coming up from behind and dealing with some of the Jokerz in his way when the explosion went off. Though he knows the explosives in those things weren't enough to kill the girl or injure her too seriously, there's still a moment of panic as he hopes she's not hurt.

Good thing she was okay though how the hell did she get up there? No grappling gun that he could see...

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2012-10-23 03:05 am UTC (link)
The two Jokerz that had been attacking her just stare up in shock. They'd really thought that should've taken care of the issue.

"None! Because you're going to be the only one in it!" And the rubber chicken gets thrown at her.

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2012-10-23 03:11 am UTC (link)
"You're really bad at this, you know that? You know what else I know?

One, you're all going to still have acne when you're fifty, if you keep wearing that much grease paint.
Two, we're going to find out how many... because I HAVE A CHAINSAW!"

Pippi leaps, way more theatrically than necessary, doing a double flip amidst the near thing dodge of the chicken, and bounding off the ground towards the head clown, pulling the chain as the chainsaw of compassion roars to life.

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2012-10-23 03:24 am UTC (link)
This was the part where other Robins may have said 'Holy Cheerleaders with Chainsaws Batman!'

He was not one of those Robins.

Thomas pulls out a bolo and wraps up the one that once had the rubber chicken before sending a batarang to the other as a distraction. He didn't have the time to properly take her down, there were people armed with fricken chainsaws to deal with.


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2012-10-23 03:32 am UTC (link)
The head clown is flanked by two lackies wearing polka dot sweatshirts and armed with comically oversized hammers.

The sight of a chainsaw does cause some blinking, more at who's wielding it than anything. "Well what are ya two standing around for? Take the girl down? She doesn't know comedy when she sees it!"

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2012-10-23 03:47 am UTC (link)
Despite the horror-movie role-reversal, Pippi does actually seem to know how to wield the weapon - and isn't doing so in lethal fashion... oddly enough.

As the first hammer-wielder comes at her, she swings, cutting the head off the hammer, leaving the guy wielding a stick, before bringing her weapon up towards his chin.

"No wonder people here hate clowns. At least these guys swinging big hammers around, pretending like they're trying to hurt someone are sort of ok. You should make one of them the boss."

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2012-10-23 03:56 am UTC (link)
He hasn't met Pippi before, and doesn't know how she works or if she goes for lethal force so being cautious is key here. Though even with a chainsaw she doesn't seem to be going for any particularly damaging hits. Good.

Robin catches up to her and dodges the hammer attack from the second thug, nimbly stepping on top of it and using it as a platform to jump up and knee the guy in the face.

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2012-10-23 04:01 am UTC (link)
While his two main bodyguards are fighting the heroes, the head Jokerz takes off, mingling in with the panicking crowd and making a break for it.

The other Jokerz that haven't been wrapped up jump on the back of any Jokerz left on motorcycles as they start to flee the place. Though a few of the motorcycles that are making their way out seem to have grabbed some prominent hostages.

Sirens can be heard in the distance.

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2012-10-23 04:06 am UTC (link)
Pippi finally notices that there's someone else fighting here, wearing red and green. Huh.

"Are you part of the act? I think you're the best clown here."

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2012-10-23 04:11 am UTC (link)
"No," he growls. "I'm trying to stop these guys but it looks like it'll need to wait for round two." He dives into the crowd to go after the leader who's already far ahead. But it doesn't matter, Thomas only intended to get close enough to shoot a tracking bug on him.

He'd already made the green bits (though there weren't many) of the uniform a much darker green than his predecessors. But if he's going to be mistaken for a clown of all things then maybe he should just go straight to black.

Most of the Jokerz are well on their way out of the venue with a couple of hostages but there are still a few stragglers left in the chaos to wrap up. The police will be here soon though.

"Finish off the ones left then we need to get out of here. Police."

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2012-10-23 04:27 am UTC (link)
"Oh, that's easy, its a fashion show." she remarks casually, while continuing to fight, her chainsaw parrying most of the weapons swung or thrown at her, mostly defensive, odd though it is to attribute that to a chainsaw, but she makes it work.

"Through the back and to the models dressing area, there'll be quick access to an unlocked door so they can send assistants out. Someone always has something a little the wrong color, or needs different water."

Another parry, a duck, a couple glancing blows rolled with, but holding her own.

"Who are these guys anyway? Did their circus run away from them?"

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2012-10-23 04:31 am UTC (link)
He just gives her a nod in acknowledgement, it was good to see at least she shared his escape route plan and he wouldn't need to explain it.

"Something like that. They're bad guys obviously, and a lot got away so I'll be tracking them down after," he explains while using one clown's shoulders as a vault to flip over him and finish the one behind him with a flying kick.

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2012-10-23 04:34 am UTC (link)
She keeps up, backflipping away from a strike, then rebounding off a wall following a super-jump to come down behind someone, using the base of the chainsaw instead of the blade to knock him out.

"I'll help you find them. Maybe there's a clown school who could help them."

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2012-10-23 04:37 am UTC (link)
"I don't think a clown school is what they need," Robin says as he knocks out one of the last few and the police cars start arriving. In no time he's booking it towards backstage. "Let's go!" Because while the cops might be used to him, a girl with powers and a chainsaw? That'd bring up questions.

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2012-10-23 04:44 am UTC (link)
She doesn't bother asking why they're running from the police. It just reminds her of her Raiderette days. That that should be a bad thing doesn't occur either.

"I guess you might know circus stuff. You're a pretty good acrobat and all. But I really think they need clown school. They're terrible. Except the guys with the hammers. They were ok."

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2012-10-23 04:50 am UTC (link)
He only answers when they've made their way out and he has the chance to pull out his grappling gun to swing to a nearby rooftop or ledge. "Thanks. And...I'm probably going to regret asking this but...why were the guys with hammers okay?" He just wasn't seeing it.

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2012-10-23 04:59 am UTC (link)
She doesn't need a grappling hook, clearing the multi-story leap with ease - and a couple of gratuitous flips and twists.

"Giant hammers are a classic. And they looked like they really thought they were going to hit something. Really sold the act. That guy with the green hair, its like he wasn't even trying to be funny."

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(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-10-23 05:02 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bobblehead, 2012-10-23 05:26 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]bobblehead, 2012-10-27 11:58 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]bobblehead, 2012-10-27 11:36 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-10-27 11:37 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]bobblehead, 2012-10-28 12:22 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-10-28 12:33 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bobblehead, 2012-10-28 12:35 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]cantkeepmeout, 2012-10-28 12:51 am UTC

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