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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-08-29 11:24:00

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Entry tags:inactive - action lad, inactive - aleea strange, inactive - alerron ya, inactive - katima sers, inactive - nightstar, plot - "rise of the darkstars"

So This is What We've Got To Work With, Huh?
The man known only as the Elusive Man sits in his chair on the other side of the holographic relay projector, his features wreathed in shadow except for two glowing emerald green eyes. He watches young Cyrus navigate the controls of the Cerberus Ship Normandy II  and admires the fact that the kid can handle it. That was good. After two billions credits worth of technological developments and upgrades, someone had best be able to fly that ship.

"Cyrus, you'll be under Urdrex's command while you two are recruiting the rest of the team. Don't take any unnecessary chances, you two. Find the people in the dossiers and get them to Omega as soon as possible; we don't have time to waste. Another colony has just been hit and if we don't do something about this soon, the rest of the universe is in a lot of trouble.

Are we clear?" the shadowed figure asks, sitting back in his chair.

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2010-09-07 01:06 am UTC (link)
"Do you really think we will ever come back here and ever have a home?" She looked up at him. "Indigo-1 told me once that you and I had no future, Alerron."

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2010-09-07 01:23 am UTC (link)
"I know that we will, Katima, unless you decide that that is not something you want anymore. I rather liked Ungara, and I know that Mar'i did, too." Alerron says.

"Indigo-1's information is wrong, then. Can you not see? We found our way back to each other, and we have already started that future together. I will not say that all of her lessons were false, but in this, she was wrong.

And I am glad for it." he says.

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2010-09-07 01:30 am UTC (link)
"I'm glad for it, too, Alerron. I am glad to be with you again when I thought for certain you were gone from my life forever." She thought briefly of the day she'd been forced to leave Okara and how miserable it was, looking out into the blackness of space and realizing that she would never see him again.

She frowned.

"I've always wondered why my skin is a different shade of pink than most Korugarans, but I feel like I've broken all of my oaths by coming here."

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2010-09-07 02:01 am UTC (link)
"No, you did not. You helped as many people as you could while we were here. You are still a member of the Indigo Tribe. You simply have a life outside of it." Alerron says.

"Your skin may be a slightly different shade of pink, but it is beautiful and smooth. All of it." he smiles. "We will find the answers to your past and about your family, Katima. Then we will decide what to do next."

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2010-09-07 02:19 am UTC (link)
"Indigos aren't like other groups; we tend to stick together so this is strange for me. I suppose though it was inevitable. I've been separate from them ever since Okara."

She took her hands and framed his face with them, her skin a little warmer in color when next to his.

"At least we are together on this. I will miss our little house, though. It was so nice going to bed with you at night."

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2010-09-07 03:05 am UTC (link)
"I am sure we will meet other Indigos. You will have time to speak with your people. I will see to it." Alerron says, playing with her hair.

"And nothing says that you and I must stop going to bed together, my love. We will just have to be...a little more quiet." he smiles.

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2010-09-07 03:09 am UTC (link)
"We had to be quiet at home, too. Mar'i was in the house after all. But we don't know how quarters are set up here. I suppose I'm just feeling unsettled. There's been a lot of transition as of late and this one is so shrouded in mystery and such. I swear to you, Alerron, if this Elusive Man doesn't make good on his suggestion that he can fix your parents..."

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