DC Next Generation

October 15th, 2010

Entering Eden Prime @ 08:44 pm


A few days after the battle at Iagos, the Elusive Man calls for the team's presence in the War Room as they Normandy II makes its way to the Eden Prime system. They're a bit behind schedule for his taste, but he likes the reports he received of their battle at Iaogs. They fought decently as a team and accounted themselves well in saving the children being held by the slavers. The Elusive Man has his people looking out for the Black Sun Mercenaries and their operations now; if necessary, he'll have some of his other operatives begin to destroy their operation.

For now, the team needs to get back to work.

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September 24th, 2010

Iagos Incoming! @ 07:13 pm


The Normandy II enters the Iagos system, dropping out of hyperspace to reveal a green, blue and white planet that seems slightly larger than Earth, illuminated by a yellow sun. There is a sparse belt of asteroids surrounding the planet, and if one looks closely enough,  an asteroid falls toward the planet in random areas now and again. The crew members immediately get to their stations in order to calculate a flight path, analyze data and prepare Cyrus with any thing he needs to maneuver through the field.

Once the ship is through the asteroid belt, a summons is sent to each of member of the quintet, directing them to make their way to the Cargo Bay. Upon their arrival, Urdrex is waiting for them, along with five crew members who are each holding a Cerberus-logo admin suit, followed by black and red Cerberus body armor.

Once everyone is accounted for, Urdrex will motion for everyone to take a suit.

"You'll all wanna get dressed as the atmosphere here is hazardous. We're having some trouble getting the location of the mercenary base, so we may have to wait until we're closer to the planet before we can try again. The area where your special plant is is about forty human miles from the Mercenary Base. It's your choice on where you wanna start, but if those mercs are worth their salt at all, they're gonna have long-range scanners of some kind.

We can all take the shuttle down and hope it's enough to keep us off their scanners until we get what you all need. Then we proceed to the base and hopefully pick up the kid." Urdrex says.


August 29th, 2010

So This is What We've Got To Work With, Huh? @ 11:24 am


The man known only as the Elusive Man sits in his chair on the other side of the holographic relay projector, his features wreathed in shadow except for two glowing emerald green eyes. He watches young Cyrus navigate the controls of the Cerberus Ship Normandy II  and admires the fact that the kid can handle it. That was good. After two billions credits worth of technological developments and upgrades, someone had best be able to fly that ship.

"Cyrus, you'll be under Urdrex's command while you two are recruiting the rest of the team. Don't take any unnecessary chances, you two. Find the people in the dossiers and get them to Omega as soon as possible; we don't have time to waste. Another colony has just been hit and if we don't do something about this soon, the rest of the universe is in a lot of trouble.

Are we clear?" the shadowed figure asks, sitting back in his chair.


DC Next Generation