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whydowescream ([info]whydowescream) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-17 17:02:00

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Entry tags:jayhawk, mourning dove

The beginning of their first semester at college had been very busy so far, and wasn't letting up any time soon. Ruth cracked open her textbooks on Buddhism and opened up her word processor. Maybe her homework could help her get her mind more on a proper track; she'd been feeling stressed lately.

Well, it was a weird summer; she's got that in her defense.

After a while, she first calls her family because she'd forgotten to make the usual check-in, then calls Jay. "I have typed the word Mahayana so many times, I'm becoming very neurotic about whether I'm spelling it right. Have you got some time?" He wasn't in the middle of anything in his schedule she was aware of, but he might be getting something done himself.

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2010-09-20 08:12 am UTC (link)
"Hey, awesome. What's she thinking of getting?" he asks, before pausing. That... was probably not the correct answer.

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2010-09-20 08:28 am UTC (link)
Ruth raises an eyebrow slightly. "Once they'd reviewed the fact that you legally have to be eighteen and the number of ways you can get hepatitis at a tattoo place, they said she could get henna for her birthday if she wants snowflakes on her ankles."

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2010-09-20 05:42 pm UTC (link)
He /almost/ says that he knows a few places with a great reputation for cleanliness and perfect safety records... but he's a little wiser this time and cuts himself off.

"That's a pretty good compromise."

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2010-09-20 06:49 pm UTC (link)
Ruth always knew he was a smart boy.
"Yeah. And I am told the expression on Dad's face at the initial question was pretty funny."

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2010-09-20 07:13 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, I'd imagine so." He'd probably have a tat or three himself by now, but he never had that kind of money - and since he started dating Ruth he's figured that was the type of thing to avoid. "Wish I could have seen it."

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2010-09-20 07:19 pm UTC (link)
"Me too. Otherwise, everything's normal at home."

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2010-09-20 09:05 pm UTC (link)
"That's good. Next time you talk to them be sure and tell everyone hi for me."

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2010-09-20 09:19 pm UTC (link)
"I definitely will."

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