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dc_misc ([info]dc_misc) wrote in [info]dc_nextgen,
@ 2010-09-24 19:13:00

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Entry tags:inactive - action lad, inactive - aleea strange, inactive - alerron ya, inactive - katima sers, inactive - nightstar, plot - "rise of the darkstars", team - darkstars

Iagos Incoming!
The Normandy II enters the Iagos system, dropping out of hyperspace to reveal a green, blue and white planet that seems slightly larger than Earth, illuminated by a yellow sun. There is a sparse belt of asteroids surrounding the planet, and if one looks closely enough,  an asteroid falls toward the planet in random areas now and again. The crew members immediately get to their stations in order to calculate a flight path, analyze data and prepare Cyrus with any thing he needs to maneuver through the field.

Once the ship is through the asteroid belt, a summons is sent to each of member of the quintet, directing them to make their way to the Cargo Bay. Upon their arrival, Urdrex is waiting for them, along with five crew members who are each holding a Cerberus-logo admin suit, followed by black and red Cerberus body armor.

Once everyone is accounted for, Urdrex will motion for everyone to take a suit.

"You'll all wanna get dressed as the atmosphere here is hazardous. We're having some trouble getting the location of the mercenary base, so we may have to wait until we're closer to the planet before we can try again. The area where your special plant is is about forty human miles from the Mercenary Base. It's your choice on where you wanna start, but if those mercs are worth their salt at all, they're gonna have long-range scanners of some kind.

We can all take the shuttle down and hope it's enough to keep us off their scanners until we get what you all need. Then we proceed to the base and hopefully pick up the kid." Urdrex says.

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Re: Katima and Little Prince
2010-09-27 02:11 am UTC (link)
Yason feels a little better as the shield envelops him, though he still coughs a little.

"Thank you, Indigo Tribeswoman. Are your people attacking the mercenaries?" Yason asks.

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Re: Katima and Little Prince
2010-09-27 02:14 am UTC (link)
"My friends are. I am out here looking for something, but they went to rescue you. Funny how it works out that I found you..." her eyes caught glimpse of something and she smiled broadly, "...and what I came for as well. Are you feeling alright, Little Prince?"

She channeled more of the energy to his shield as she reached forward and carefully lifted from the soil two of the plants she'd sought.

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Re: Katima and Little Prince
2010-09-27 02:41 am UTC (link)
"You came for the plants here? The mercenaries want them, too. They use them to make a potion to make the other children too weak to fight back." Yason tells her.

"They may have more inside of their base..." Yason says, before the blaster fire comes whizzing through their location. The boy's eyes glow yellow just then and he looks back at Katima.

"What will we do? They've found us!"

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Re: Katima and Little Prince
2010-09-27 02:44 am UTC (link)
The Mercenary Leader, a Salarian, uses a small hand-held device to track the bug they implanted in the boy. He can't run anywhere on this planet that they won't find him.

The soldiers engage their rocket boots and fly in pursuit of the little prince.

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Re: Katima and Little Prince
2010-09-27 02:47 am UTC (link)
"More plants or more children, Little Prince?" The collected plants tucked safely away, she pulls the child to her and evades the blast nimbly.

"I need you to stand behind me at all times. I can handle these soldiers, but I need you to stay right behind me." She manifested her staff and fired return blasts at the soldiers as they flew into range.

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Re: Katima and Little Prince
2010-09-28 12:24 am UTC (link)
"There's more kids in the base and they were using the plants there!" he says, curling close to her.

He nods his head, his eyes flashing green as he nods at Katima.

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Re: Katima and Little Prince
2010-09-28 12:41 am UTC (link)
The soldiers continue shooting at the woman, trying to wound her as best they can.

"Give us the boy and we'll go easy on you tonight, wench." one of the men says.

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Re: Katima and Little Prince
2010-09-28 12:48 am UTC (link)
"Then we'll rescue them all."

She keeps the boy close as she fires more blasts, still managing to remain unharmed for the moment.

"Alerron, I have the plants and the prince. There are other children in the base. Save them! I'm under fire, but I can hold them off until the kids are free."

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Re: Katima and Little Prince
2010-09-29 12:06 am UTC (link)
Yason sticks as close to her as possible, trying to hide behind Katima.

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Re: Katima and Little Prince
2010-09-29 12:08 am UTC (link)
The Squad Leader looks down at his commlink as the sounds of the base alarm klaxons sound through the forest.

"Damnit! Kill the woman now! We /must/ secure the prince!" he says, firing at Katima in unison with the others. Two of the soldiers move forward to engage Katima in hand-to-hand.

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Re: Katima and Little Prince
2010-09-29 12:22 am UTC (link)
Katima blasts again at the soldiers before reacting to the men who try to fight her directly. Chanelling more of her protective light to the prince, she attacks the men in earnest, swinging her staff almost like a mace and throwing punches. She learned well on Okara.

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Re: Katima and Little Prince
2010-09-29 02:58 am UTC (link)
The soldiers who try to melee her are easily defeated, but the others continue to shoot.

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Re: Katima and Little Prince
2010-09-29 02:59 am UTC (link)
"Can you telport us away again?" Yason asks.

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Re: Katima and Little Prince
2010-09-29 03:03 am UTC (link)
She fired off more blasts, but one of the soldier's catches her in the shoulder. Her staff's light protected her somewhat, but the blast did hurt and some damage was done. She draws back slightly, crying out a bit before returning fire again.

"Yes. I can get us to the edge of the forest, but we'll have to fight even there. Stay brave, Little Prince."

She pulled him close and then, summoning her energy, she teleported them closer to the edge of the forest.

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