DC Next Generation

January 25th, 2011

The city is at war @ 11:47 am


Gotham City was at it's boiling point.

In the streets, the wars between the crime families had reached its breaking point, with the death of another family head that previous night. The police had their hands full with trying to break up riots.

It had taken some very careful planning on his part, but Hush had managed to break out every prisoner in Arkham Asylum. The guards were dealing with their own personal hell, as the most dangerous criminals in Gotham City were all out of their cells, and they were trying to keep them from getting out into the city.

And now...it was time to test Batman and Robin. Hush delivered a package to Terry McGinnis, with pictures of Dana Tan tied up and beaten, along with his location, a warehouse in Gotham Harbor.

Attached was a simple note:


January 20th, 2011

Outside the Gotham Public Library @ 01:01 pm


Dana Tan walked out of the library, a pile of books in her arms. She had a long paper to work on for her Western Civ class, and she wanted to get a good start on it.

About halfway back to her dorm on campus at Gotham University, she got the feeling that someone was calling her.

"Is someone there?" She turned her head over her shoulder. No one. She was probably just being paranoid. Yeah, that's what it was. Paranoia. She continued walking.

Okay. This time she was almost sure that she thought that she heard footsteps behind her.

"Hello?" Her voice shook, and she sounded afraid. Which, she was. She could feel the shivers going down her spine, as she continued to walk back to her dorm, keeping her eyes peeled.

And then...someone sprang out from behind and clamped a hand over her mouth. Dana struggled, trying to scream, but an overwhelming smell caused her vision to blur, and her world went black.

The man grinned, carrying Dana down an empty alleyway. Things were starting to fall into place.

January 13th, 2011

Getting information @ 03:07 pm


Yvonne Rhodes, also known as the Informant to the rest of her teammates in the League of Assassins, sat in front of her computer console, facing one of the most difficult tasks given to her by the Demon's Head yet.

Hack into the computer database of Bruce Wayne, and obtain any information on Terry McGinnis, who the Head of the Demon believed was the new Batman, and anyone that might be working with him.

Some hackers might throw their hands up in the air after five minutes. But Yvonne liked a challenge. And this certainly was one.

And as she was the woman who could hack into the CIA's system in under a half hour, Bruce Wayne's should be no problem for her.

And in exactly forty-five minutes, she was in. Yvonne began to go through Bruce's files to pull up any useful information that she could give back to Damien.

The Gotham Underground.... @ 02:43 pm


James Merone stepped out of the Devil's Playground, one of the most popular clubs in downtown Gotham. As the owner of the club was in his pocket, Merone had been known to use the back room for his "business meetings". Merone was very satisfied with how this meeting as gone....as he had gotten a nice big amount of money out of it, and showed someone that the Merone crime family was not one to be taken lightly.
Read more... )

January 7th, 2011

Special delivery @ 01:53 pm


He had to go away for a little while, but Hush was back in Gotham City. And he was out for blood.

Or rather, the guy who was paying him was. But he was paying him to go after a very old friend of his. Someone who he had tangled with before. Someone who this time, if he played his cards right would end up exactly how he wanted her to be-dead. Her, and if he got lucky, her friend. Batman.

But first, he had to make sure that she knew she wasn't safe. He had to get her nice and scared, so she would be easier to break.

A package arrived at Wayne Manor that afternoon for Marissa Wayne. In it, she would find several pictures of her mother, Vicki Vale, lying dead in a pool of her own blood. Attached to one of the pictures was a typewritten note.

Miss me?

December 22nd, 2010

Meeting of the minds @ 10:09 am


Bruce Wayne's secretary, Ms Jane Johnson, sat at her desk typing away furiously. She had a lot of work to get done before Mr. Wayne's one o'clock meeting with a new potential business partner. She did not know much about him, other than that he was a very young man with supposedly a lot of good ideas for Wayne Industries and the company he represented.

In between working, she looked up to see a man standing in front of her desk.

"May I help you?" She asked coolly. No one got to see Mr. Wayne without going through her first.

December 20th, 2010

Confessions @ 09:24 pm


Terry had been giving this a lot of thought lately.

It weighted on him heavily, keeping his "double-life" a secret from Dana. On the plus side, it kept her safe, her not knowing. The con was that constantly showing up late for dates or just not plain showing up at all really had a toll on him. He could only come up with so many excuses, and he could only ask for Maxine to cover for him so many times.

Maxine had asked him if he really wanted to do it. If he really wanted to expose Dana to that part of his life. And he had given it a lot of thought. He did. He went back and forth between telling her and not telling her a million times in his head.

It was a big risk, but he could trust Dana. He knew that he could.

He texted her to meet him at a location where he knew they'd be safe from any possible threats. In his Batman costume, he waited in the shadows for her.

DC Next Generation