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Natasha Romanova ([info]iron_widow) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2010-09-23 18:15:00

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Entry tags:"with great power...", black knight, bullseye, crusader, danielle cage, iron widow

With Great Power Comes... Shiny Faux Gold Belts, pt. 2
Natasha purchased the shortest and tightest little black dress she could find and a pair of killer heels to go with it. The dress of course showed off ample cleavage. She was going to negotiate with a man after all. They were easily distracted by the female body and Natasha was one to put her assets to full use.

Dani and Sarah were with her as the clients she represented and managed.

Natasha sauntered up to the guards at the door to the building. She gave them a small smile. "I am here to see Mr. Edward Garner," she said with a thick Russian accent.

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2010-09-29 02:44 am UTC (link)
Ed whistles, dialing up the weight in one ton increments until they find Dani's limit.
"Ok, if you're half as tough as you are strong, you have a place here. Have you had any wrestling training?"

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2010-09-29 02:52 am UTC (link)
"Some," Dani said. "But I'm a fast learner." She grinned at him.

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2010-09-29 03:00 am UTC (link)
Ed nods, suitably convinced now. Yeah, no question, he's going to have to have Mistress Natasha looked into.
"Alright then, let's let your friend have her turn on the weights, and then we can get down to waivers, dollars and cents."

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2010-09-30 04:58 pm UTC (link)
Sarah doesn't bother to say anything. She just settles on the weight bench, then clears the 10 ton mark, the 20, 30, 40, 50... until she hits the top of the machine's limits, set to try and approximate the Thing's strength, somewhere around 75 tons. After ten-repping it at 75, though the last few are a bit of a struggle, she quietly gets out of the bench press machine.

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2010-09-30 04:59 pm UTC (link)
Ed, a little dumbfounded, turns back to Natasha. "I... apologize for doubting you. I believe we definitely have a place for your girls. Did they want to wrestle in tag team or singles?"

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2010-09-30 07:29 pm UTC (link)
"Did I not tell you that they would impress you?" she asked with a small smile. She placed a hand on his arm and leaned in a little closer. "My girls are a team, comrade."

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2010-09-30 07:33 pm UTC (link)
"Alright then... do they have a theme? Do they need costumes? We can certainly supply whatever you might need. At those weight classes, your girls are going to be stars." And he's seeing a lot of money coming his way. "Oh, yes... contracts. Shall we discuss business then? Once we have a set amount... and have them sign non-indemnity waivers, of course, we'll put them in a test match right away. I'd love to get them in the ring tonight, if they have the skills to pass a test match."

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2010-09-30 07:41 pm UTC (link)
"We are open to suggestion for a theme and costumes would be appreciated," Natasha said. She smiled. "Yes, let's discuss contracts. Do you have somewhere private we can go for these negotiations?"

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2010-09-30 07:44 pm UTC (link)
Now its Ed's turn to look a little flustered, but he nods. "Of course, please step into my office. I have the contracts in there. Girls, if you trust your manager's judgement, please feel free to warm up for your test match out here. The gym is at your disposal."

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2010-09-30 08:05 pm UTC (link)
Sarah glances at Tasha, then nods. They'll have to trust her for this, best to keep up appearances, and work as a team. She heads for the weight stacks to warm up.

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2010-10-01 05:03 am UTC (link)
Dani nodded to Tasha, following Sarah to the weight stacks.

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