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exiles_misc ([info]exiles_misc) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2010-10-22 02:08:00

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Entry tags:"with great power...", bullseye, crusader, danielle cage, iron widow

Sarah and Dani vs Ms. Marvel and Screaming Mimi
The test match was over and Sarah and Dani were scheduled for their next fight. Tonight they were going to face Ms. Marvel and Screaming Mimi. Winning that match was necessary to get a shot at Grimm and Parker.

They had a few hours of downtime which had been spent in posh dressing rooms.

Then it was time for the match.

Natasha led them out to the ring amidst boos and jeers. Natasha yelled at the crowd in Russian as they walked to the ring.

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2010-10-30 01:06 am UTC (link)
Carol stopped at the last second and delivered an uppercut when the girl reached her.

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2010-10-30 08:12 am UTC (link)
Sarah gets the 7th sense warning a moment too late, and gets sent flying back. She hits the ropes, and rebounds back, going for a diving shoulder block.

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2010-10-30 02:41 pm UTC (link)
Carol didn't expect such a quick rebound. The two collided and Carol was pushed back into the ropes. She tried to push the girl off of her.

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2010-10-30 04:30 pm UTC (link)
They've finally tied up, right where Sarah wants her. She pushes back, trying to overpower Carol long enough to get a reasonably painful looking hold on her. Even if she could win it here, they don't want to. They need to put on a show if they're going to get a championship match.

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2010-10-31 02:28 am UTC (link)
Carol wasn't going to be defeated easily. She brought a knee up and aimed for the girl's midsection. Then came an elbow aimed at her head.

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2010-10-31 08:21 am UTC (link)
Sarah takes the knee to the gut, biting back a wince, but ducks under the punch. All that training comes in handy now and then. She lashes out, trying to bury a fist in Carol's kidneys, followed by a quick jab to the gut.

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2010-10-31 03:00 pm UTC (link)
The shot to the kidneys connected and Carol grunted in response. Then came the shot to the gut. The air wooshed out of Carol's lungs. Carol was doubled over and bit so she charged forward in an attempt to headbutt the girl's chin.

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2010-10-31 08:55 pm UTC (link)
Sarah ducks back out of the way of the headbutt, showing her speed.
"Try it like this. she taunts in Russian, going for the headbutt herself, trying to catch Carol in the face while she's at a disadvantage.

Provided she connects, she shoves Carol towards her corner, trying to play up the 'haughty Russian bitch' bit.

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2010-11-01 06:48 am UTC (link)
The blow connected and Carol staggered a bit before being shoved back into her corner. She slapped Mimi's hand and the other woman let loose with a sonic blast toward Sarah.

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2010-11-01 09:46 am UTC (link)
Sarah takes the hit, wincing. Damnit, she thought there were no powers in this, just super strength and skill... but, she supposes, there's always room for cheating, and Mimi is the type. It hurts, but she's resilient enough to play up being mostly unaffected, even if she's going to have to read lips for a while til her ears quit ringing.

"Not worth my time." she says with a heavy accent and a laugh, then tags Dani in.
"She won't be able to do the scream again or they'll definitely call her on it and DQ her." she whispers quickly. "But watch out, she's still super strong and tough... but I think you're stronger." she adds, happy to get out of the ring to try and recover herself a little.

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2010-11-02 12:21 am UTC (link)
Dani nodded, before running out into the ring. She gestured to Mimi with her fingers.

"Bring it on," she said in a heavy accent.

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2010-11-02 02:02 am UTC (link)
"Gladly," Mimi said and charged ahead.

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2010-11-02 02:10 am UTC (link)
Dani charged at Mimi to grab her and knock her to the ground.

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2010-11-02 02:12 am UTC (link)
Mimi ducked at the last second and avoided the grab. She went for a leg sweep.

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2010-11-02 02:14 am UTC (link)
The leg sweep connected, and Dani was knocked to the ground.

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2010-11-02 02:17 am UTC (link)
Mimi tried to drop an elbow on the girl's head.

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2010-11-02 02:19 am UTC (link)
Dani caught the elbow. She jumped up, holding onto the elbow to throw Mimi's weight off balance and knock her to the ground.

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2010-11-02 02:27 am UTC (link)
Mimi went down to the mat hard. This girl was a lot stronger than she looked.

Mimi started to get back to her feet.

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2010-11-02 02:28 am UTC (link)
Dani went to grab Mimi to pick her up and flip her over her shoulder.

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2010-11-02 02:32 am UTC (link)
Mimi scrambled to avoid being grabbed. She lowered a shoulder and charged in.

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2010-11-02 02:42 am UTC (link)
Dani quickly braced herself, throwing her hands against Mimi's shoulders, digging her feet into the ground.

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2010-11-02 02:54 am UTC (link)
Mimi went flying back into the ropes and bounced off. She was coming very quickly at Dani and had an arm pulled back for a haymaker.

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2010-11-02 03:07 am UTC (link)
Dani ducked under Mimi's arm, throwing an arm out to knock her to the ground.

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2010-11-02 03:24 am UTC (link)
Mimi flipped over Dani's arm and landed hard on the mat. Now she was getting angry.

She unleashed a sonic scream.

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2010-11-02 03:41 am UTC (link)
She wasn't prepared for that. The sonic scream sent Dani flying backward into the ropes.

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(no subject) - [info]exiles_baddie, 2010-11-02 03:43 am UTC

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