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exiles_misc ([info]exiles_misc) wrote in [info]exiles,
@ 2010-10-22 02:08:00

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Entry tags:"with great power...", bullseye, crusader, danielle cage, iron widow

Sarah and Dani vs Ms. Marvel and Screaming Mimi
The test match was over and Sarah and Dani were scheduled for their next fight. Tonight they were going to face Ms. Marvel and Screaming Mimi. Winning that match was necessary to get a shot at Grimm and Parker.

They had a few hours of downtime which had been spent in posh dressing rooms.

Then it was time for the match.

Natasha led them out to the ring amidst boos and jeers. Natasha yelled at the crowd in Russian as they walked to the ring.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-11 06:34 am UTC (link)
"So...you take Venom, I take Fixit? That how we want to work this?"

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-11 01:08 pm UTC (link)
Sarah shakes her head, whispering in her corner. "Fixit is Thing-level strength, seventy five to ninety tons, more if he gets upset, which he will. Top end, I can't match him, but I've fought the Hulk... way too many times now. Only chance either of us have, I think, is that I know all his moves. He gets angry, then gets a good hold of either of us, we're done. Do you think you can keep up with Venom?"

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-15 03:52 am UTC (link)
"I can keep up with him," Dani said, cracking her knuckles. "No problem."

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-15 06:17 am UTC (link)
"Alright, just be careful. I've fought Venom once. Only once, don't know him near as well as the Hulk - but he's a tough bastard. Almost as strong as you are, or the one I fought was, though I think you have an edge. He's almost as fat as Spider-Man though, and tricky. We're going to have to manage this one just right - going to be a lot tougher than the last fight."

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-15 10:44 pm UTC (link)
Venom stepped into the ring. He was ready to play with some little girls.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-16 03:31 am UTC (link)
Dani stepped into the ring. She motioned to Venom with her fingers.

Bring it.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-17 10:55 pm UTC (link)
Venom charged at her, ducking low at the last moment to sweep her legs out from under her.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-18 04:38 am UTC (link)
Dani wasn't expecting the leg sweep, and she went down. She sprung back up to try and tackle Venom to the ground.

It was a tough fight, with both parties working very hard to try and wear the other out. Eventually, when Venom went to tag in Mr. Fixit, Dani ran to her corner of the ring to tag in Sarah.

"Good luck girl," she said, a little bit of a tired tone in her voice. Venom was tough. Even for her.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-18 05:19 am UTC (link)
This fight wasn't going to be any fun. Venom was insanely fast on top of being almost as strong as Dani. She had just hoped Dani's toughness would let her hold up to him.

Now she gets Fixit... joy. If he gets upset, Fixit is stronger than she is. Even now, she doesn't have that big an edge. All she really has going is that she knows all his moves.

Sarah plays it cocky, trying to get him to come at her.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-18 06:31 pm UTC (link)
Mr. Fixit entered the ring intended to smash the little girl. He expected her to charge and when she didn't, he started toward her.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-21 10:23 pm UTC (link)
If she's going to win, she needs to get him acting and reacting like the Hulk, dangerous as that is. She comes in low, taking a swing at his gut, intentionally leaving herself apparently open to the axe-handle smash.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-22 06:02 am UTC (link)
Mr. Fixit does go for the axe-handle smash. He wanted this over as quickly as possible. They had a championship match to get to.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-22 08:19 am UTC (link)
Sarah, likewise, wants to try and finish this quick. As he brings his arms up, she lunges, trying to dig her shoulder into his gut as hard as she can, swing a couple quick jabs into his stomach to try and get him doubling over, and then puts everything she can into an uppercut.

The full on unstoppable savage Hulk - this wouldn't do much, but she hopes it will have a little better success against the weaker version, even if he still goes for the 'Hulk Smash!' move set.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-22 08:28 am UTC (link)
Mr. Fixit does double over. He's not enraged enough to increase his durability and strength to normal Hulk levels. The uppercut connected and Mr. Fixit went flying backward into the ropes.

He hadn't been expecting that kind of hit from such a small girl.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-22 06:39 pm UTC (link)
She has him off guard and off balance. Time to lay it on as fast and hard as she can, really wishing she had her hammer (and finding it somewhat surprising that ever since the KISS world, she's been thinking of it, finally, as her hammer instead of just borrowing it from Thor).
She launches herself, using a bit of flight to help pick up momentum, while making it look enough like a super stregth assisted lunge to keep the ref from calling her on it, going for the two fisted slam to the face as he comes off the ropes.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-22 07:16 pm UTC (link)
Mr. Fixit flew into the two-fisted smash. He was thrown back into the ropes and at the same time he was starting to get mad. That hurt!

The rebound off the ropes gave him momentum. He flew at the girl with both fists raised. He was going to bring them down on her and slam her into the mat.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-22 07:20 pm UTC (link)
She can still read him like a book. He's getting stronger, and a little faster, but he's not up to mean green standards yet. She also sees an opportunity here.

He raises his arms, it leaves him open. She drives her shoulder into his gut again, getting inside his reach, then turns her leverage into a super-strength judo throw, trying to catch both opponents off guard by using Fixit's own strength and momentum to fling him at Venom.

If they're smart here, if she can take out Venom - they can play the 'evil Russians' card and double team a little.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-22 07:34 pm UTC (link)
Mr. Fixit went flying into Venom and the two of them fell off the edge of the ring to the floor below. Venom flipped Mr. Fixit off of him.

They both started to climb to their feet.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-23 05:35 am UTC (link)
Sarah takes a moment to gesture subtly to Dani - this may be her chance to get in a sneak shot on Venom to keep them from coordinating.
While they're out of the ring, she eyes Fixit, taunting in a heavy Russian accent, "What's the matter, can't handle a little girl?"

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-23 06:19 pm UTC (link)
Dani got the gesture. "Ve must be too much for them.

Shame really. I expected more."

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-25 03:49 am UTC (link)
Mr. Fixit didn't take the taunting to well. "I can handle you little girl," he said and charged her.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-25 08:32 am UTC (link)
This is one of those moments she's really glad her dad taught her judo and aikido - using an opponent's strength and momentum against them is just what this sort of situation calls for.

She baits him in close, appearing to almost shrink away from the charge, grabbing the first fist that comes at her to try and turn his mad rush into a judo flip, putting all of her own strength, and just a little bit of extra leverage from being able to fly, into the slam.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-26 09:16 am UTC (link)
Mr. Fixit went flying over her head and landed on the floor again. Hard. He was sitll for a moment before he started to climb to his feet.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-27 01:44 am UTC (link)
Sarah knows she can't let up. He recovers too quickly. Having fallen back on her dad's training for fighting stronger opponents - not something she needs to do often these days, she decides to keep it up, trying an unconventional tactic.

She lunges in while he's looking a little groggy and clambering to his feet, she dives at the back of his leg, trying to knock him forward onto his front where he won't have much leverage, then tries to get him into an ankle lock. Not the most spectacular looking move, but plenty painful, and has the advantage of putting all the leverage on the attacker's side.

Sure, a skilled enough combatant can counter it. Its not the most difficult of moves to counteract - but you have to think it through, and have the actual skill to know the moves. She's betting he's worked up enough to not be thinking, and if he just tries to power through it, its entirely possible to break an ankle - which she's perfectly willing to do here, if that's what it takes.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah
2010-11-27 01:49 am UTC (link)
Fixit is just past the point of thinking things through. He tries to rely on his strength and power through it. Whatever the girl was doing to his ankle, it was painful and he wanted it to stop. The anger grew.

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Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah - [info]rogue_star, 2010-11-27 01:53 am UTC
Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah - [info]exiles_hero, 2010-11-27 01:56 am UTC
Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah - [info]rogue_star, 2010-11-27 02:01 am UTC
Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah - [info]danielle_cage, 2010-11-27 02:05 am UTC
Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah - [info]exiles_misc, 2010-11-27 02:12 am UTC
Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah - [info]rogue_star, 2010-11-27 02:14 am UTC
Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah - [info]exiles_hero, 2010-11-27 02:30 am UTC
Re: Mr. Fixit and Venom vs. Dani and Sarah - [info]rogue_star, 2010-11-27 02:40 am UTC

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