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doctor_pym ([info]doctor_pym) wrote in [info]marvel_legends,
@ 2011-04-11 22:29:00

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Entry tags:hank pym, hawkeye

To Do Lists (Open, Avengers)
Hank's laboratory in Avengers Mansion was not, technically, in Avenger's Mansion.  Oh, the door was there, but after having rebooted the Infinite Mansion by hooking into a different pocket dimension(took him about two hours of concentrated work), it made sense to branch out into whatever space was necessary.  He certainly had plenty of work to do, even with the Avengers reforming.  They'd offered him a spot on the team, though he wasn't entirely sure he should take it. 

His tenure running the so-called "Mighty Avengers" had been... well, perhaps calling it a draw was reasonable.  Some good, some bad.  There was the whole being named "Scientist Supreme" by the lifeforce of the Universe itself.  That was always good for an ego boost.  Gave him something to hold over Tony the next time he pulled that "I'm a Futurist, I just know" crap.

He looked over at his to-do list.

Build Heaven for Bill Foster.    X
Protect Women in Jan's Name   X
Watch out for Cassie                   in-progress
Bring Jan back
Find way to eliminate Ultron permanently
Undue the evil done in your name
Learn to forgive yourself

He went back to his work.   There was still so much to do.

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2011-04-17 11:16 pm UTC (link)
"Tuesday," Hank said. "...It is still March, isn't it?"

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2011-04-17 11:54 pm UTC (link)
"Try April, buddy. Yeah, you really, really need to get out more. Like now." Clint says.

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2011-04-17 11:59 pm UTC (link)
"April?" Hank repeats. "It can't possibly be... Really?"

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2011-04-18 12:31 am UTC (link)
"You mean to tell me you have all of this stuff that can show you the future, the past and all times in between...yet you don't have a single /calendar/ anywhere?" Clint asks, truly shocked.

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2011-04-18 01:23 am UTC (link)
Hank shook his head. "It didn't seem particularly important."

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2011-04-18 01:56 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, I know the feeling." Clint says. Few things are important when the woman you love isn't around.

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2011-04-18 08:51 pm UTC (link)
He hadn't been with Jan in a quite a while, truthfully, but for Hank, well, the world of women had always been divided up into Jan and everyone else. True, there had been a few others whom he had thought he'd loved, or loved the idea of being loved by, but it always came back to Jan.

"How is Bobbi?"

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2011-04-19 02:03 am UTC (link)
"I wouldn't know. We're not speaking, apparently." Clint says, taking another pull of his beer.

"I catch myself dialin' her number four or five times a day before I stop myself and hang up. She knows where I am and how to find me. She's also the one who told me we couldn't be...us, anymore." Clint tells him.

"I got nothin' for that, Hank. The Skrulls did some pretty low-down crap to her, in addition to all the stuff she had to deal with before.

Not to mention I managed to not know that the woman I'd fallen in love with was really a Skrull in disguise. There's just so much wrong with us, I wouldn't know where to start." Clint says, the words spilling from him like a dam.

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2011-04-19 06:04 pm UTC (link)
That, amazingly, managed to get a laugh out of Hank. He stopped himself and very quickly managed to look apologetic.

"Sorry," he said, quickly. "I was just considering the irony of someone else talking to me about having screwed up a relationship."

"I'm sorry, Clint," he added. "I'd always hoped you two would've worked things out."

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2011-04-19 11:57 pm UTC (link)
"Yeah, me too. But what can you do? People change, they get new priorities, and certain things stop fitting where they used to." he says.

"It sucks, but it happens."

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2011-04-20 01:04 am UTC (link)
"I suppose it does," Hank agrees.

He sighs. "And some of us spend too much time in the past."

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2011-04-20 01:22 am UTC (link)
"Hank, you're workin' to save Jan. There's no shame in that. Just...don't let her come back to a shell of the guy you used to be, when you /do/ get her back." Clint says.

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2011-04-21 01:19 am UTC (link)
Hank nodded. "You're right, Clint. Thanks."

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