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legends_misc ([info]legends_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_legends,
@ 2011-05-17 18:25:00

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Entry tags:"coldest winter", anti-venom, black widow, mockingbird, moon knight, ms marvel, red hulk, secret avengers, war machine, winter soldier

In Russia
The modified QuinJet landed in a small clearing outside of a small complex in the countryside not far from Moscow. The light of the full moon made it easier for the Avengers to see, but it also made them easier to see by the guards patrolling the outside of the complex.

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2011-05-18 06:16 pm UTC (link)
Marc smiles under his mask. He would like to get in on the main fighting but he has his assignment. Maybe the they won't let them take him easy thought which he thought definitely was likely.

With that he took off remember all the stuff the CIA told him to do for this type of things.

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