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legends_misc ([info]legends_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_legends,
@ 2011-05-17 18:25:00

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Entry tags:"coldest winter", anti-venom, black widow, mockingbird, moon knight, ms marvel, red hulk, secret avengers, war machine, winter soldier

In Russia
The modified QuinJet landed in a small clearing outside of a small complex in the countryside not far from Moscow. The light of the full moon made it easier for the Avengers to see, but it also made them easier to see by the guards patrolling the outside of the complex.

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Re: Command Center (Mockingbird, Moon Knight, Anti-Venom)
2011-05-20 01:17 am UTC (link)
The eight men go down quickly, but more rush to fill in the void as they turn the corner.

One man throws a smoke grenade at the trio.

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Re: Command Center (Mockingbird, Moon Knight, Anti-Venom)
2011-05-21 01:58 pm UTC (link)
The smoke grenade doesn't faze Moon Knight too much he knows how to fight blinded.

He sends a roundhouse kick towards the some of the guys rushing at them.

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Re: Command Center (Mockingbird, Moon Knight, Anti-Venom)
2011-05-23 11:51 am UTC (link)
There's a reason for the glasses she wears. They flipped through various inputs until she got an image of what was going on through them. Then she met the man in front of her with a fist to the face and followed it with a knee to the gut driving all the air out of him.

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Re: Command Center (Mockingbird, Moon Knight, Anti-Venom)
2011-05-23 05:12 pm UTC (link)
Eddie didn't have Spider-Man's spider-sense so he was a little disoriented by the smoke. He tried to get above it by leaping back to the ceiling. He scans the area quickly before the smoke reaches him and sees the man who had thrown it. He propelled himself forward, using his body as a battering ram to drive the guard to the ground,knocking him unconscious.

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Re: Science Lab (Black Widow & Winter Soldier)
2011-05-24 03:26 pm UTC (link)
The soldiers simply cannot stand against the barrage offered by the Avengers and are once again taken down. They make their way through the hallways to Command Center Three, the doors opening of their own accord.

Inside is a dark-haired, muscular man wearing the Crimson Knights uniform, with several decoration upon his right breast. He is flanked by two other men wearing the same uniform, but with dark-visored helmets.

"You have come here in error. Leave or be killed." the man says, pulling his pistol.

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Re: Science Lab (Black Widow & Winter Soldier)
2011-06-07 01:58 am UTC (link)
Eddie's tendrils shot toward the man before he even finished talking. One went for his gun and the other went to wrap around his arms and legs. Eddie gets in the man's face, serrated teeth an inch away from him.

"Where's Colonel Niklov?"

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Re: Command Center (Mockingbird, Moon Knight, Anti-Venom)
2011-06-07 02:08 am UTC (link)
Marc fired his grappling hook towards one of the guys legs to pull him off his feet and to him for a stomp.

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