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legends_misc ([info]legends_misc) wrote in [info]marvel_legends,
@ 2011-05-17 18:25:00

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Entry tags:"coldest winter", anti-venom, black widow, mockingbird, moon knight, ms marvel, red hulk, secret avengers, war machine, winter soldier

In Russia
The modified QuinJet landed in a small clearing outside of a small complex in the countryside not far from Moscow. The light of the full moon made it easier for the Avengers to see, but it also made them easier to see by the guards patrolling the outside of the complex.

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2011-05-25 05:00 pm UTC (link)
The general in him sneers a bit at the mewling - that's not the way a soldier is supposed to behave, son. But the soldier in him has seen a hell of a lot of action in his day, and he knows that feeling. Seen it in too many kids on the battlefield to ignore it.

One foot stomps on a grenade, while a big red mitt catches the other, clamping down on it with both hands.

"Run, you idiot!" he barks, preparing to stifle both explosions.

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2011-05-28 03:09 pm UTC (link)
The soldier hastens to obey, not even bothering to watch as the grenades explode and have no effect on the big red machine.

The other soldiers morale begins to wane as they finally understand what they are up against; a veritable force of nature that seems to be one step ahead of them. They have no clue on how to stop him, but they're not going to let him win without a fight.

One man fires a sonic cannon at Red Hulk, hoping to slow him down.

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2011-05-30 05:21 pm UTC (link)
Slow him down, it does.

In fact, the sudden piercing shriek of it is enough to drop him to one knee for a moment as he tries to focus past it...

If they're gonna do something, now's their chance.

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2011-05-30 08:03 pm UTC (link)
The soldiers keep the pressure on Red Hulk, trying to keep him down under the sonic onslaught. Ten men rush in, hoping to clobber the giant into unconsciousness when their luck runs out.

These sonic weapons are five years out of date and are not built to be used quite this heavily without rest. They don't have the new Stark Industries edition that doesn't suffer from overheating issues.

The barrage of sonics slows...then stops as the soldiers realize their weapons have overheated.

The soldiers begin trying gun-butting Red Hulk and praying that he's not strong enough to stop them.

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2011-06-02 06:22 am UTC (link)
As the Hulk's head clears, his face lifts up again as the rifle butts smack uselessly against his skin.


The behemoth straightens up, before slamming a fist into the ground to knock these dedicated fools away once again.

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