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notinplainsight ([info]notinplainsight) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-18 03:17:00

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Entry tags:independents, jack murdock, kalypso

Kalypso was tired enough that she had to sleep. Normally she could just choose not to waste time sleeping, but today she needed to sleep. She had spent the better part of the past two weeks traveling and for her traveling meant between Olympia and Titan. The Eternals of both Earth and Titan needed to be warned of the threat the deviants posed and her cousin’s dream of Thanos.

Interplanetary travel was quite taxing and her stores of cosmic energy were depleted.

She landed on Jack’s fire escape and barely managed to use telekinesis to open the latch and open the window. Jack would be in class right now and wouldn’t be home for a few hours. Kal would use that time to sleep and recharge.

She crawled inside and fell facedown on the bed.

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2010-01-27 05:51 pm UTC (link)
He put her hand over his heart and held it there. "I love you, Ms. Sersi. Don't you forget it."

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