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Vicious_Cycle ([info]vicious_cycle) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-30 15:25:00

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Entry tags:inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, nicholas salem, team - champions

After Murderworld
Zarathos had dealt with a lot of Murderworld, both with and without Nick. For the first time, he hadn't fought the demon off entirely, and that, just as much as the sights, smells and sounds he'd never forget still haunts him. While he's promised to be back, Nick has been getting his few things together for a road trip. Open road, strong drink and time to forget is just what the situation calls for.

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2010-02-01 08:06 am UTC (link)
"I don't?" She cocked her head with a look of mock-curiosity on her face, before downing a couple of shots as he sinks his first two shot. And her hand may have just not-so-subtly brushed up against his ass as she went up to take her next set of shots.

She's barely able to focus enough to sink her first shot, and sinking the second shot's close enough to be considered a damn miracle. Sinking the third shot, however? She missed by a mile.

"Well damn," she said, leaning on her stick.

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2010-02-01 08:11 am UTC (link)
He looks at the table over her shoulder, settling there, lightly pressed against her while he studies the layout.
"Not bad at all." he replies, finally moving over to take his two shots.

"And maybe you do. But then I don't intend to lose. You're going to regret that bet."

He sinks his first shot, then another.

"Or maybe you'll really enjoy being my slave."

Third shot, not quite so good. Probably because he had his eyes... well, not on the ball.

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2010-02-01 08:20 am UTC (link)
"I don't really plan on losing myself," she said with a wink as she took her two shots. "But as for regretting it if I did...." She stopped on her way to take her shot to whisper in his ear, "It'd be really hard for me to regret something I'd enjoy, now would it?"

Normally, she's pretty damn good at pool. After quite a few shots of tequila in her system and already halfway-or mostly-gone? Not so hot. She barely managed to sink her first shot, missing the second one by a mile.

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2010-02-01 07:07 pm UTC (link)
He's feeling the booze pretty hard by now. There's a few shots left, and right now the tequila is buzzing more in his head than Zarathos. Dangerous territory. And then Lyta? She's even more intoxicating than the tequila.

"I've always wanted my own fallen angel." he whispers back with evil intent.

Even out of it as he's getting, he's good enough to nearly run the table, leaving just the eight ball by the time he misses. That'd be three more shots of tequila, Lyta.

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2010-02-01 07:25 pm UTC (link)
"Looks like you might be getting your wish," she winked at him as she downed her set of shots.

She can barely focus at all to set up her next shot, her eyes shifting to...elsewhere. She set up the shot, lining up with the eight ball....

Only to miss it by a mile.

"Huh. That was pathetic."

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2010-02-01 07:35 pm UTC (link)
"I'd almost suspect you did that on purpose." he replies with a slight grin, not even hesitating in pressing against her to talk, one hand on his pool cue, one hand on her hip. "But I think you're too competitive for that."
He sways against her lightly, more or less in time to the music in the background. "Which is fine, it'll make it that much sweeter when you're on your knees... slave."

He turns. Even drunk and with her as a living distraction, he can't miss this shot, too much time with a misspent youth in places like this. "Eight ball, corner pocket."

He doesn't miss.

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2010-02-01 11:08 pm UTC (link)
"I do hate to lose," she said with playful smirk, not even making any small hesitation in pressing up against his chest ever-so lightly. "It's a...weakness in some cases, I guess." Her breath smelled of tequila and cigarettes.

She heaved a mock-dramatic sigh. "Looks like I lose, do with me what you wish," she pressed up against him, to whisper in his ear, "Master."

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2010-02-02 12:46 am UTC (link)
Screw caution. He grabs her hair to tilt her head back and kisses her. Hard.

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2010-02-02 01:46 am UTC (link)
She returned the kiss, biting at his lip a little, leaning up against him, ignoring the snickers and comments from the other bar patrons.

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