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Vicious_Cycle ([info]vicious_cycle) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2010-01-30 15:25:00

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Entry tags:inactive - lyta braddock-worthington, nicholas salem, team - champions

After Murderworld
Zarathos had dealt with a lot of Murderworld, both with and without Nick. For the first time, he hadn't fought the demon off entirely, and that, just as much as the sights, smells and sounds he'd never forget still haunts him. While he's promised to be back, Nick has been getting his few things together for a road trip. Open road, strong drink and time to forget is just what the situation calls for.

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2010-02-02 10:41 pm UTC (link)
"Beer only," she said with a smirk, taking his offered hand and shaking it. "Friends."

"I'll try not too," she began to make her way to the small bathroom. "Cream and two sugars, please."

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2010-02-02 11:00 pm UTC (link)
He nods, taking a note. Cream and two sugars. One of the things he always made a point of, with his very few friends. Know what brand they smoked, and how they took their coffee.

"Beer only. Breakfast'll be served by the time you get out." he replies, heading for the door. He can handle being ruffled and smelling like sex and sweat and tequila. He's been far worse.

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